Looking On the Bright Side: The Good Side of Being Rejected

Looking On the Bright Side: The Good Side of Being Rejected

If a man who loves to date women does not get rejected regularly, he’ll perhaps never figure out who will satisfy him more. Because all women differ on their taste, men need to date a larger number of women whom they find attractive so they will eventually be able to meet the one who will reciprocate the attraction. Now this calls for some serious balls, persistence and thick skin. Most women appreciate this kind of things.

In order to find success in dating, a man must muster the courage to experience rejection a lot more than a woman. Whenever I hear women complaining and wailing about how a guy would not return any of her calls, or why he hasn’t followed up their first date, my instincts would then tell me to just tell her this: “You think that’s bad? I got rejected a dozen times in the last few months than you’ve been rejected in your lifetime. Try being a man for week, then tell me straight in the face about your complaints.” But of course I don’t since I know that the rejections a dude endures – although not much of a damaging tool to his pride – are easier to carry despite his knowledge of the fact that he can approach more women so he can find the girl of his dreams. The opposite sex has lesser control over new dating opportunities. Although the female species can increase her chances just by making herself a lot more beautiful and radiant, she just cannot approach guys at her own will without sounding desperate or crazy. She has to wait ’til she meets another guy whom she likes to approach her. And although she experiences much fewer rejections than men do, she also faces fewer dating opportunities, so the impact that she endures over the rejection are much painful.

Typically, a woman gets rejected when a guy vanishes after an initial date, while men usually get rejected when they approach a woman. A woman, although as painful as it may sound most especially if she’s interested, has to let the man walk away, while a guy must get it all together to approach a woman first. While men must muster the courage to be confident enough to approach without any knowledge of how the opposite sex will respond, women must gain confidence to encourage a man to act according to how he truly feels about her, without any clue if he will leave or stay.

Although there’s a fine line between the nature of rejection from both sexes, it is necessarily equal for both. A man has nothing to lose from staying on his corner of the room when a woman enters; a woman gains nothing from propagating a relationship in which she initiates constantly. A man has to make the move first and has to bank on the chance of not getting rejected, on the other hand, a woman has to let the opposite sex initiate the move, with of course, the possibility of getting rejected (I.e. chances of ignoring her). Both men and women have to take the plunge and face risks and rejections if they do want to achieve success.

All of these points aim to lead on a conclusion about rejection, while it’s difficult for both parties; it is a necessary is an unavoidable void. It’s part of the dating and relationship landscape. You cannot avoid it so why not get used to it. As mentioned earlier, if you have not been rejected, it simply means that you’re not using your dating skills to its fullest potential. No one can help you with this because you’re the only one responsible for your success in this area. And similar to all other aspects in your life, you can boost the amount of success by enduring rejections, taking the risks and picking yourself up again and eventually try harder next time.