Key Aspects Of Testing Laboratories Equipped With Robotic Technology

Key Aspects Of Testing Laboratories Equipped With Robotic Technology

The Industrial Revolution has changed the field of trade and commerce. Circumstances of 1760 to 1840 are actually responsible for a vital development today. It is the importance of going through a comprehensive testing protocol. There is a belief that such evaluation modules are important for food and drinks only. But, in reality, its significance is of equal nature for environmental purposes too.

Importance to depict the functional effectiveness of microbiological testing laboratories arises at this juncture. Such labs are diligently equipped with expert technicians and upgraded technologies. In this respect, reputed bodies are even responsible enough to deliver "SAC-SINGLAS" accredited results at the end. Eventually, truthful and legitimate authentication of the outcome becomes more assured.

Technological advancement seems to have a productive role in this field too. For which, laboratories attached with the unique 2-armed robotic technology are gaining impressive popularity. With its excellent working aspect, any sorts of extensive, food, water or environmental testing needs get fulfilled. Requirement for authentic microbiological evaluation does get finely accomplished too. It is possible due to the team of dedicated and committed personals present in these labs.

Better understanding of these hi-tech devices becomes easier by going through its technical components. Structure of this robotic technology is one of the beneficial factors in this case. Due to its extraordinary controlling system by 15 axes (7 axes per arm plus base rotation), it delivers accurate test results. Some of its other crucial attributes are:

Maximum Motion Range:

  • Rotation-Axis: Waist – 180 ° (approx.)
  • S-Axis: Lifting – 180 ° (approx.)
  • L-Axis: Lower Arm – 110 ° (approx.)
  • E-Axis: Elbow – 170 ° (approx.)
  • U-Axis: Upper Arm – 130 ° (approx.)
  • R-Axis: Upper Arm Twist – 180 ° (approx.)
  • B-Axis: Wrist Pitch / Yaw – 110 ° (approx.)
  • T-Axis: Wrist Twist – 180 ° (approx.)

Added with Approximate Mass Counting (AMC) of 380 kg (837.9 lbs.), Power rating (4.4 kVA), allowable moment of inertia, its usability features becomes more transparent. A laboratory stapled with this integrated apparatus would definitely deliver accurate results.

Furthermore, knowledgeable teams associated with such evaluation method follow strict norms as mentioned in ISO / IEC 17025 and ISO 15189. As a result of which, unbiased and honest results becomes obvious. Research has approved that technology is not the only thing that composes these labs. "AOAC INTERNATIONAL" membership of the skilful technicians is also accountable for serving clients with satisfactory answers.

Unfortunately, the present atmosphere around us is full of chemical, physical and biological contaminants. This has created the need to seek for accredited test results served by above mentioned test houses. It is only then, that the industry standard of several products is ascertained. On the other hand, a consumer gathers confidence in collecting the consumable item. Even the necessity of quality assurance becomes possible by going through this analytical assessment module.

Apparently, there are several other reasons for which business houses are depending on these microbiological or environment testing laboratories. Some of which are:

  • Meeting with industry standard
  • Setting a business house at the forefront compared to other competitors
  • Evading litigation due to quality maintenance failure
  • Increasing reliability and durability of food, medicines or other consumable products, etc.

There are various environmental factors that have made it essential to test consumable items before representing those in front of the consumers. A few of which are like:

  • Solar radiation
  • Fungus
  • (EMI) Electromagnetic interference
  • Temperature changes
  • Sand
  • Dust
  • Humidity
  • Toxins
  • Bacteria, etc.

All of these are actually accountable for producing unwanted impurities in consumable products too. With the help of dependable and bona-fide testing by aforesaid laboratories, assurance that the product is free of impurity becomes guaranteed. In the course of increasing product durability, such houses are actually responsible to gift our civilization a healthier life.