How to Succeed With Women by Being a Jerk – How to Pick Up a Pretty Woman & Make Her Want You More!

How to Succeed With Women by Being a Jerk – How to Pick Up a Pretty Woman & Make Her Want You More!

Do you want to know how to succeed with women by being a jerk? Well, you may very well know that the “bad boy” is always the one who gets the girls. I am going to explain some mind tricks that you can use to learn how to pick up a woman and make her want you more.

I am going to explain why you should make it unclear how you feel to learn how to pick up a woman, why you should never instigate a date and how flirting with other women is essential to make her want you more.

Make It Unclear About How You Feel About Her

Women love to know how you feel about them, that is a fact! It makes them feel loved and re-enforces their confidence. What a lot of men do not know is, if you do it too much it makes women feel like they are in charge.

The secret to learn how to succeed with women by being a jerk and to make her like you is to make your feelings very unclear. If she does not know where she stands she will crave for your attention to reassure herself that you want her, are you with me?

Never Instigate A Date!

If you are the requester, then you are the beggar! You need to make sure that you are the one being hounded for dates and attention – that is how to pick up a woman. This is possible by making it unclear about how you feel, as explained above and by never being proactive with dates.

This may seem absolutely absurd to the uninitiated. However I can guarantee that those who are shocked by this, are not getting the results they truly desire, and have no idea how to pick up a woman. So step out of your comfort zone and absorb this valuable information if you want to learn how to pick up a woman and make her like you.

Flirt With Other Women

This is by far the most controversial part. However bad this may sound, you need to flirt with other women in front of your date, this is how to succeed with women by being a jerk. I know this sounds crazy but over time you will be seen as a “ladies man” and that appeals to all the hot women and as for you date, it will make her want you more.

As much as they will never admit to it, pretty women love what they cannot control. If they can control you, you are finished! The raging “bad boy” will always be the object of women’s desires and you need to use this info to learn how to succeed with women by being a jerk.