Managing Child Behavior Problems – 7 Dont’s in Behavior of Children

Managing Child Behavior Problems – 7 Dont’s in Behavior of Children

Are you concerned about managing your child behavior problems?

Do you know if your discipline methods work?

Are you worried as to whether you’re disciplining your child in a way that will help him to become a responsible adult?

There are things that help and others that will hinder you attempt to use positive discipline in a productive manner.

Don’t reward the bad behavior of your child. It is so easy to do this especially when it makes life easier. Managing child behavior problems isn’t about telling your child that if he stops his bad behavior he’ll get a reward. What happens in these circumstances is he keeps exhibiting this behavior to get the rewards on offer for stopping his bad behavior.

Don’t give in to your child’s bad behavior, his whining, tantrum or misbehavior Doing so teaches him that this kind of behavior is appropriate way to behave to get what you want. This is encouraging him to continue to behave in this manner to get what he wants.

Don’t argue with your child about any discipline strategies you are implementing. Managing child behavior problems means you ignore his protests and just follow through immediately with what you have said you’re going to do.

Don’t instigate bad habits this can be easy to do especially when you are tired. Remember habits are harder to break than to start and can make discipline harder.

Don’t focus on the negative behavior of your child all the time especially when trying to change behavior. It is much better to offer positive discipline reinforcement than to make the negative behavior your focal point. It is much better to say “I like that you put all of your clothes away,” instead of saying “I like that, for once, you finally got around to putting your clothes away without my asking.”

Don’t punish in anger as this will send your child the message that the way to deal with anger is to punish someone. Learning about managing behavior problems mean you learn how to deal with your anger before you punish your child, take a step back and learn effective strategies for calming yourself.

Don’t set a bad example to your child. You can do this without even realizing what you are doing. Remember children learn more from your example than they do by what you tell them. Spend some time actually thinking about the example you are setting for your child. Managing children’s behavior and stopping misbehavior is best done by you setting a good example.

Instead of implementing the don’t do the opposite and change things.