Can Rock Fireplaces Provide A New Lease On Life?

Can Rock Fireplaces Provide A New Lease On Life?

They say that everything goes in cycles, but we can be thankful that some of the trends of the past have not made a comeback. Thankfully indoor fireplaces built from large boulders and faux rock are all but a distant memory. A lot of people remember having one growing up but no-one would dare admit to owning one now. Rock fireplaces are now making a come back, but not as you’d expect.

Attempts in the 60s to bring the outside in were remarkably flawed. While some of the theories behind the concepts were carefully considered, the execution left a lot to be desired. This is obviously easy to conclude with the aid of hindsight, and the same can be said about every decade. There were design concepts, equipment and trends, that we look at now and can only think – what were they thinking?

What has remained the same through the decades is the desire to incorporate aspects of nature into our built environment. We are constantly looking to improve the way we live, to connect with nature and blend our current concrete world with something more in line with nature. Over the last decade there has been a trend of opening up the house, blending the lines between inside and out. It is not so much about bring the outside in but making the outside more accessible.

Rock fireplaces have found a niche market in the outdoor entertaining area. With the advances that have been achieved in fireplace manufacture people are no longer restricted to having a fire inside. They can comfortably build an outdoor recreation area including heating, while incorporating elements of nature in the design without adversely affecting the interior design of their home.

Through this market, true rock fireplaces have the capacity to reach an entirely new market demographic. As these fireplaces are considerably smaller in area than an entire room wall they can be built more cheaply. Having said this, rock fireplaces are still the most expensive kind of fireplaces to create. This is predominantly due to the type of construction processes required.

Rock fireplaces have a distinct advantage when it comes to design. No two fireplaces will look the same after construction. Due the size of the rocks, the colors in the stones and the method of construction, it is impossible to identically recreate a rock fireplace.

This makes rock fireplaces artworks in the back yard, items that visitors will be impressed and inspired to emulate. For this reason it is important to choose rocks that will complement the design of your yard. The idea will be for the fireplace to be a feature amongst other natural components.

While you could still create a rock fireplace in your home if you desired, the tastes of most people dictate that they will be relegated to outdoor areas. There are some exceptions though, such as remote country cabins. The move outdoors for these fireplaces is fitting given the inextricable links with nature and the continued connection between indoor/outdoor living.