Conservative, Right-Wing Governments Are Killing the World While Silencing the Majority

Conservative, Right-Wing Governments Are Killing the World While Silencing the Majority

History has many lessons to teach us but who wants to know? When visions of WWII and the holocaust are shown my thoughts turn to how placidly people boarded the trains to their death. To be that willing to obey a handful of soldiers with guns many thousands preferred to live that extra bit longer than to die for their cause. Now it is about climate change and the worst holocaust of all, mass extinction of life on earth.

People are standing against it and experts in the field are shouting it from the highest platform they can climb but conservative politicians are like a brick wall of resistance. The latter seem to be only concerned with staying in power and pleasing the heavy polluters who fund them.

Those who aimed their guns at the masses and forced them into situations from which there was no escape didn’t appear to have a conscience. How much are they like the politicians who only serve their jobs and protect their income that is mostly from big business.

In Australia the new move by the Federal Government is to issue prison sentences and to take away welfare payments to anyone who protests. That is so like Germany prior to the Second World War that it isn’t funny, nor should it be tolerated. People are scared and rightly so.

Protesters against climate change are facing the wrath of governments who are arresting and dealing with them in courts. Many are locked up and heavy fines and other penalties are also issued. So where is the justice? How can judges ignore the willingness of those who stand against the death sentence we are being served? After all they will die as well.

One argument after another is presented to avoid the issue that we are on a slippery slope to the last days. While food shortages coupled with massive fires; floods; droughts; winds; and diseases; are on the increase the decline in insects means it will only worsen. When there is less food and water.

Desalination and depletion of life in the oceans has to also be a part of an unsustainable future. With alternatives readily available the question is why the majority are sitting back and waiting for their lives to end in such circumstances? While writing about it is one way of protesting it’s also important that those less well-educated be informed. The majority has to speak up in a louder manner and overturn conservative governments that are killing us.