Making A Public Announcement To Get Married In Italy

Making A Public Announcement To Get Married In Italy

It is now possible for many people to have the experience of getting married in Italy. Religious and civil marriages of foreigners are now deemed to be legal in the country. Couples that intend traveling to the country to get married should speak with the Italian Consulate to get all the necessary information about getting married in the country.

Embassies and Consulates should have this information readily available. The couple should declare their intention to get married at the marriage office. The documentation will then be presented. Thereafter it may be possible to set a date for the marriage.

A public announcement known as banns are displayed at the town hall. This has to be done for eight days in a row and must include two Sundays. After the eight days are up, the couple has to wait for at least four days before the marriage takes place.

The couples then have six months in which to get married before the banns expire or become null and void. If one of the parties is Italian then the banns can be waived. They can then get married four days after declaring the event.

Nulla Osta, valid passports and residence cards are required in order to get married. The nulla osta declares that there is no legal reason the couple may not get married. This document is obtainable from the Italian Consulate. This is required for all non-residents who live in Italy. Nulla Osta is valid for six months.

Atto Notorio declares one is single and the Certificato di Stato Libero is for Italians and declares that Italians are free to marry. Other documents necessary for getting married in Italy are birth certificates. These should display the names of the parents of the people intending to tie the knot. Women who are divorced must be so for at least three hundred days.