Pedophilia Among America’s Leaders

Pedophilia Among America’s Leaders

Pedophilia is rampant in the United States. Sales of illegal child pornography rakes in an estimated $3 billion a year in the U.S. The industry enslaves an estimated 300,000 children. Last October the nation witnessed the resignation of one of our nations leaders, Representative Mark Foley, after allegations of misconduct with Congressional pages. We are also familiar with the sex scandals surrounding President Clinton. Then there are the past sex scandals surrounding Representative Barney Frank, Representative Dan Crane and Representative Gerry Studds. But these are just the tip of the iceberg. There is a sinister and serious problem among our leaders in Washington DC and among our leaders throughout the country. This sinister problem seems to have gone uninvestigated for years. The problem involves pedophilia sex parties, child kidnapping, child sex slaves, pornography, blackmail, murder, cover-ups, and impeded investigations.

This problem has been exposed by credible investigators such as retired New York police detective Jim Rothstein, and Ted Gunderson, former Senior Special Agent-in-Charge for the FBI. It has also been documented in cases such as the Omaha Child Sex Ring, the alleged Finders international child-kidnapping ring, the McMartin Preschool sex-abuse trial, and the the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch as well as many other.

Detective Jim Rothstein shed light on the national problem of government protection of pedophiles in several 2002 radio interviews. While he was a New York Police Detective, Jim “investigated and was successful in gaining convictions of several notorious criminals dealing in child prostitution and kidnapping both locally and nationally.” Jim says that that there are satanic links to child kidnappings but that “law enforcement personnel often refuse to investigate” these satanic links and “they insist there is no such thing.”

According to Jim and many others: “The evidence shows that child kidnapping may and probably does often have the cooperation of local and national police departments and the FBI. Further, Jim says that good cops who take on these cases find that they become victims themselves. They are harassed by higher ups within their department and even by other agents from around the country. Pressures are exerted on them to holdup or even halt their investigations. According to Jim, one of his most troubling cases was that of Willie Dunn. Dunn was a major supplier of children; he was involved in kidnapping and the buying and selling of children. Dunn was convicted and sentenced to prison but somebody within our government set him free. After being set free, Dunn continued kidnapping, buying and selling children across the country. He was prosecuted and convicted a number of times but Jim says, each time ‘someone would let him out to continue his operations around the United States.'”

In another case Jim had an informant who’s house was allegedly used by U.S. intelligence to compromise some people with three little boys. This is a tactic where U.S. intelligence provides little boys or girls for sex and then secretly records the event for blackmail purposes. Their intent is not money but power. They use this tactic to control people in power or criminals who might be of use to them. In the case reported by Jim, the little boys ended up being murdered. The informant alleged that this murder occurred at the hands of the intelligence officers.

Jim took the allegations seriously and served a subpoena on his informant to appear before the New York City Select Committee on Crime. Even before Jim could get back to his office, someone had already “squashed” the subpoena. Jim said that this person obviously had great power and influence because not only could they squash the subpoena, they were able to keep Jim from finding out who they were. I think it goes without saying that these two cases suggest government involvement at very high levels either willingly or coercively.

Another prominent case is that of the Omaha child sex ring run by Larry King a Nebraska businessman and Republican rising star (no association with the radio talk show host) . The sex ring was uncovered in a 1988 FBI investigation of King’s theft of $40 million from the Franklin Credit Union, which he managed. The investigation discovered King had flown children to Washington DC on numerous cases. While in Washington DC, the children allegedly attended parties and provided sex for some of the members of Congress in attendance at these parties. On at least one occasion, the Presidential Limousine was alleged to have been parked outside King’s condo during one of these parties. During testimony in court, one of the children gave accurate details of rooms inside the White House which are not open to the public.

In 1987 the alleged Finders international child-kidnapping ring was exposed. An investigation ensued after “an informant had advised the Tallahassee police that the Finders was an occult organization involved in “blood rituals,” “sexual orgies involving children,” and an unsolved murder.” The investigation eventually led to non other than the CIA. An investigation by both the Washington DC Metropolitan Police Department and U.S. Customs was halted. The CIA is to alleged to have advised these agencies that the investigation was an internal matter. Former FBI agent, Ted Gunderson said that his personal investigation showed that Finders was a covert CIA operation that began in the 1960s.

In 1985 the McMartin Preschool sex-abuse case sprung into the national headlines. The owners of the preschool were alleged to have sexually abused the preschool children in tunnels underneath the school. The children also reported satanic ceremonies and trips to a mortuary and a satanic ritual site in the hills. 389 potential victims were interviewed and examined. Approximately 80% showed physical signs of sexual abuse and the majority had memories of abuse and satanic rituals. The owners went to trial in California and were found not guilty.

Former FBI agent Ted Gunderson led an independent investigation of the site on behalf of one of the parents. The tunnels described by the children had been filled in and the police were unable to locate them. Several year later the parents were able to gain access to the site. The tunnels were unearthed by E.Gary Stickel, an archaeologist from UCLA and a team of professionals. What they found fit the description given by the children. The children were also able to give directions to the mortuary they had allegedly been taken to. Finally, Ted found a satanic ritual site in the hills that matched the children’s description. According to Ted, the prosecuting attorney was not interested in any of the evidence which he and others had uncovered and which corroborated the children’s story. Many prominent individuals were implicated by the children in the case; not surprisingly, none ever faced trial or serious investigation.

In 1982 a newspaper boy was kidnapped while delivering newspapers in his hometown of West De Moines, Iowa. This boy’s name was Johnny Gosch. The local police chief refused to report Johnny as missing and instead reported him as a runaway. This is quite alarming since there were witnesses of the kidnapping. Johnny’s mom, Noreen, never gave up even while the police did little or nothing. Noreen hired private detectives and went on talk shows with pictures of Johnny.

Noreen’s investigations eventually linked the local police chief with the Omaha Child Sex Ring. In a radio interview, Noreen said that Johnny showed up one day at her house in 1997, fifteen years after his kidnapping. He stayed for only a few hours. He told her that he had been auctioned off as a sex slave and had eventually escaped. He said that the people involved were so powerful that he must remain in hiding for the rest of his life. He said if he went public, both he and his mother would end up dead.

These are just symptoms of a bigger problem. America has abandoned God and His law. James Madison, America’s fourth President warned that our Republican government rests and depends upon people who governed themselves according to the Ten Commandments; he stated “We have staked the future of all our political institutions upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, and to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.”

President John Quincy Adams went a step further then President Madison. President Adam stated in an address to the military in 1798 that our form of government is inadequate to be controlled by an immoral Godless people; he said “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion…Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

What has our abandonment of God and His law brought to our nation? Has it brought liberation, safety, security, prosperity? No! The United States now has the highest rate of social breakdown in the industrial world including: The highest divorce rate, the highest murder rate, the highest violent crime rate, the highest illegitimacy rate, and the highest rate of sexually transmitted diseases. The U.S. is also the largest debtor nation in the world with no hope of ever paying off its debt.

Our abandonment of God and His law has not brought anything good, rather it is brining the judgment of almighty God upon the nation. This is not my opinion! It is what the Bible clearly states. Most people believe that America isn’t mentioned in the Bible, this is not the case. Other than Israel, the Bible says more about America than any other nation.

If one were to dive deep into U.S. history and current events, one would find that the United States of America has fulfilled every description that God gives of Babylon in the book of revelation. This is very significant because the Bible clearly states that God will destroy Babylon.

God’s Judgment is coming soon! God says that His faithful will be protected from the judgment. Your only protection is to become one of His faithful. Not just a believer but a faithful believer. If you want to be a faithful believer, you need to get to know God and His law. You can begin your journey of getting to know God by studying His word – the Holy Bible.