Catch 22

Catch 22

There are three ways our body gets rid of impurities i.e. by means of bowel, by means of skin and by means of the kidneys. If one of them stops the others are obliged to carry out the increased workload. For example if we stop exercising we cannot get rid of impurities by means of skin and thereby put extra burden on kidneys.

Due to lack of exercise we also begin to accumulate fat in muscular tissues around the waist, the heart and rest of the body. Muscles become slack and lose their strength and we get exhausted too easily and usually give up on exercise and let ourselves drift again.

With age, we not only lose the muscle power but also our resistive power to ward off any disease. As we lose muscular control we lose our posture too. Head rolls about on the neck tending to drop forward; the muscles of the neck and shoulder grow soft from lack of use and we become round-shouldered. Chest falls, shoulders come forward and the chest cavity is reduced. This means a gradual cramping of lungs, heart, and stomach.

Pretty soon we become lethargic, heavy around the waist and more averse to exercise allowing the fat to get the better of us.

Executives who delegate others to do things lose 50 per cent of their muscular control. Whereas those who take orders retain control over their muscles.

It is dangerous to allow fat accumulation in the heart muscle and to let it become weak. Engaging in reasonable and simple physical training can prevent it. To start off, a few hours a week will help preserve fitness and keep us in shape.

We must exercises from school age continuing right through the universities and into general business and civic life. It is in this way only that we can meet the demands of modern civilization without deterioration of our physical condition.