Kim Jong-Un Vs The World: The Nuclear War That Will Never Happen

Kim Jong-Un Vs The World: The Nuclear War That Will Never Happen

Is there a War on Truth?

Yes. The truth is that 99% of the world's population is being kept under an inter-galactic quarantine with disinformation, false science, dyslexic languages, fiat currencies and false hopes. The core agenda is built on disinformation and miseducation from birth regarding the history of humanity; who, why and what is creation. The conventional narrative of the status-quo belief system is undoubtedly fictitious! Always remember, "The truth shall make you free."

A belief system of perpetual lies is the control mechanism that keeps us all in a prison planet.

What is a Life Patent?

A life patent is a cosmic contract created at the time of conception that allows any life form to come into existence. The purpose for ALL life has to be fulfilled according to its Life Patent. Human beings are cosmic chattel that were created and owned by the Orion Group Corporation Enki (Inc.) For the soul purpose as a means to cheat "Death" and achieve 'Eternal Life. "

What is cosmic bankruptcy?

Cosmic bankruptcy is declared by any controlling entity when there are no more humans left on a planet (plan-et) to harvest. This type of capital default occurs when human beings wake-up and take control of their lives and stop willingly being the sacrificial lambs that are supporting the system that is enslaving them.

What happens at the point of rebellion?

When all of the inhabitants of this firmament called "Earth" become like Nimrod, Nat Turner, William Wallace, Tiananmen Square Tank Man (1989) – and physically rebel against our cosmic farmers and only then will the destruction and replenishing / recycling of this Petri dish take place. We are living currently in the 5th Epoch since its creation.

How is humanity being enslaved?

The most precious commodity in the cosmos is time (ie Eternal Life).

Human beings were created to meet the undying demand for more time. Our planet (plan-et) is a bio-farm. An electromagnetically balanced self-sustaining biological ecosystem. The laboratory used to create the life forms for this experiment was located off-world in the Cydonia region on Mars in a genetics lab called Shimti . Earth is not unique or special in its own right. There are perhaps thousands of mariculture firmaments strategically located throughout the cosmos just like planet Earth which provides an abundant source of 'Chi' vital energy sustaining life force for our creators to achieve 'eternal life'. Earth like aquariums are the biggest fast food franchise in the universe.

What else can humanity do to break free from its enslavement?

There have been many great inventions and advancements in new technology over the past millennium that will make our freedom possible. However, the inventors and sincere intellectuals of our time must be willing to share all of their technological achievements and wisdom. For it has been written that we must, "heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils, freely give and take neither gold nor silver in your purses."

Who will lead this rebellion?

There are an elite few who possess the knowledge (Gnosticism) and truly know what the cosmic rules are and where the weaknesses in the prison system are located. Kim Jung-Un "knows" that all of humanity has been hoodwinked and North Korea will remain 'Rebellious'. This is why North Korea adopted the "Intergalactic Model" for its country. President Kim Il-Sung obtained this knowledge after World War II and sought to "free" his country from colonial tyranny. Not everyone is willing to rebel against the system. In fact, the sole purpose for most role models (ie politicians and movie stars) existence is to perpetuate and preserve the enslavement of humanity.

Take heed that you be neither deceived nor distracted by these ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing!