Handling Anger Effectively

Handling Anger Effectively

Anger is considered as the most dangerous emotion within us. It is regarded as an evil emotion as it only brings destruction and sorrow to all of us. If you look back into history you will find that major mistakes like war, riots and national dispute have been the outcome of anger and hatred. On the health part, anger accelerates your heart rate and blood pressure and therefore it is very important that we tame our anger through proper management techniques.

One of the best ways to handle your anger is to accept your responsibility. As a human being we always blame someone or the else for our mistakes and than get angry on them rather than accepting the responsibility and thinking how we can resolve the mistake quickly and effectively. Another good anger management technique is to understand the core emotion of anger. Most of the times, we get angry because we are frustrated or sad when things go more wrong we tend to get angry.

Another way to tame your anger is to write down what makes you angry and how often you tend to get angry, that will help you to evaluate and keep a check on your anger, at the same time you will be able to know and will be able to talk to yourself to calm down your anger. You can even try to divert your attention if you think you are hot tempered as that would calm down your anger quickly and effectively.