Two Dead Easy Skateboard Tricks You Can Master to Impress Your Friends With in a Flash

Two Dead Easy Skateboard Tricks You Can Master to Impress Your Friends With in a Flash

Are you looking for easy skateboard tricks that a beginner or just about anyone can do? Skateboarding is great fun but it can be very frustrating if you are looking for tricks that beginners can do without too much trouble. Many tricks that you see on TV and other people doing require years of experience and skill. There is no way a beginner can do them, so what can you do? This is what causes a lot of beginner skaters to just give up learning and throw away their board. The best advice for these beginners is to stop watching TV and marveling at the pros and the tricks they are doing and instead focus on the basics. Here are a few simple tricks that are great for beginners and are easy to learn.

If you know how to skateboard, then you should already be able to do an ollie. If you can’t then stop right now, go outside and get on your board and start learning! Ollies are very popular with beginners because they are super easy and super quick to master. It is the first trick most new people learn when just starting out. When doing an ollie you leap into the air and your skateboard looks as though it magically lifts up and stays under your feet without holding onto it. It’s a simple little trick that looks great in addition to being easy to learn. The ollie is also a trick that once mastered will often be used as parts of other skateboard tricks, so it is important that you can ollie well as it will pay off later.

Want to know another trick to try out? The bomb drop is another simple yet great trick for beginners. This trick needs to be done from a high place, like from the top of stairs or off the top of a table. Simply jump up and place your board under your feet and let yourself come down and slam into the ground. This is a fancy way that you can mount your board and looks great when done off of the top of something high up. You may need to practice it a few times until you can actually stay on your board after mounting it, as some beginners find that when they just start out they keep falling off the board.

Don’t get frustrated if you aren’t able to perform these two tricks the first time you try them. Remember that skateboarding like anything takes practice to perfect. Keep at it and you’ll be a pro before you know it.