Airsoft Spring Air Guns – How to Take Care of Yours

Airsoft Spring Air Guns – How to Take Care of Yours

If you own an airsoft air gun, no doubt, you would wish to have it in the same impeccable condition and smooth working order for quite a long time. These guns are designed and manufactured to last a long time and it would be a shame if they are allowed to malfunction before their normal useful lifespan due to negligence or bad handling. We trust the information provided below would be useful in giving you maximum satisfaction by helping you to maintain your airsoft gun in prime working condition over many years.

Cleaning the Barrel

Make it a practice of cleaning the barrel after every use or at least after short sessions of continued use. This assumes greater significance if you live or use it in a sandy or dusty conditions. If you need to decompress the gearbox in an electric airsoft gun, fire a few rounds in its semi-automatic mode; while in some guns the spring can be decompressed with a button provided for the purpose. With regard to the use of spring air guns, safeguard against accidental personal injury by never having the safety catch on while the gun is in a cocked position. A good method of keeping the inner side of the barrel and other internal parts rust proof is to occasionally give it a corrosion free silicone spray.

Care of the Magazine

You can stretch the useful life span of your spring or electric airsoft gun to its maximum by a little more regular care to ensure the long lasting strength and quality of your magazine spring by emptying its magazine after every use. However, with regard to airsoft pistols, note that the magazine should remain always pressurized for the air seals to stay in place. It would be good to add a drop or two of silicon lubricant on the internals if it is not present in the gas you use. A very important point to remember here is not to manipulate the release lever for expulsion of gas from an airsoft gun since it could result in leakages of gas if the O ring gets frozen in the process.

Battery Observation

Always use batteries of the correct voltage to ensure consistent power over a long period. Using a battery of a higher voltage will cause your gearbox to work faster resulting in possible damage to the internal components; while using a battery of a lower voltage would result in the gearbox not turning at all. You should also ensure that you use batteries with the correct mAh value as well; as it has a strong bearing on the useful lifespan of your battery. Higher the mAh of your battery, higher the current it will draw, making the gun’s firing rate faster.

Touching Up Your Airsoft Gun

Natural wear and tear sets in with the first signs coming from the paint starting to scratch or peel off. Opinions of experts favor a full re-painting rather than clumsy attempts at touching up the affected areas. When re-painting, use a flat type such as Krylon, which is a spray with an enamel base. The other alternative is to entrust your gun to an airsoft retailer for a superb job in restoring its original appearance.