Free MLM Leads – The FOUR Best Ways To Generate 50 Quality Free MLM Leads Every Day

Free MLM Leads – The FOUR Best Ways To Generate 50 Quality Free MLM Leads Every Day

There’s no doubt that your ability to generate free MLM Leads sets the pace of growth of your online network marketing business. Learning to generate free MLM Leads is the #1 skill that any networker must master. You may be a good communicator, presenter and a caring person, but without daily, fresh leads that are interested in what you have to offer, you’re dead.

Don’t misunderstand, the word free doesn’t mean generating just any leads or a bunch of Internet tire kickers or job seekers. In fact, because free MLM leads are generated on search engines, social media platforms and article directories you actually end up with the very best prospects.

Here are four easy ways to generate free MLM leads:

1. SEO – There’s nothing like being on Google’s front page on the left links for an effective lead generation process. It’s the most targeted and automated way to generate MLM leads, and it only costs you your time. It’s not that difficult! Search Engine Optimization is not the voodoo, snake oil, tricky stuff that’s been sold out there in the past years. It’s a well defined science that can generate predictable results. And YES, it’s very possible to rank on the front page of Google within 7-14 days. All you need is a capture page targeting MLM related long-tail keywords with accurate on-page optimization.

2. Social Media. Nearly 70% of people that have a computer frequent social media sites on a daily basis in many niches. Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are by far the best to concentrate on in the beginning. Tons of free MLM leads can be generated on these sites alone. When using social media sites, don’t jump on people with your product or opportunity pitch. It’s very important that you build relationship first. Comment on people’s posts, respond to their comments, give out valuable information, solve problems, be helpful and people will want to work with you naturally.

3. Press Releases. You can use free and paid Press Releases. Paid Press Releases are a fairly inexpensive way to get on the front page of Google immediately. These are news style articles where you can cover information in an announcement style and attract people to your website. It’s a good idea to use a Press Release when you launch yourself in a business, when your company has new product launch, any special events or use them tocover any subject of interest that is newsworthy in your industry. The possibilities are endless. Press Releases are also a source of back links to you web site. Search Press Releases in Google for more ideas and you will find a wealth of information on how you can use them to design great online lead generation campaigns.

4. Article Marketing. This is a preferred method of many experienced marketers to generate traffic and free leads. Writing a 500-700 words article every day, spinning each into a few different versions to avoid duplicate content and then submitting it to hundreds of article directories using Automatic Article Submitter is the fastest and most powerful way to create back links to your web site and raise your search engine position. Also, take into consideration that articles are being searched every day by hundreds of thousands of people and can directly drive traffic to your site from interested readers. Additionally, an article can be ranked in the front page of Google by promoting the article itself.

The main quality that will guarantee you 100 quality free leads per day is consistency. Your results can only be consistent if your marketing efforts are. Try and perfect one or two marketing methods at first and then expand into others.