Stun Guns As an Excellent Self Defense Weapon For Women

Stun Guns As an Excellent Self Defense Weapon For Women

History of Stun Guns:

Not many people know how Stun Guns came to be. It all started in the 18th Centrury. Petrus Musschenbroek who was from Leiden, Netherlands, developed a device that stored static electricity. This stored electricity separated ions that were charged differently. The built up electrical charge was then released quickly. This device was called the “leyden jar”. He actually was shocked by his own invention. That shock led to the first crude design. This device became the stun guns we are familiar with today.

Thanks to Petrus Musschenbroek, women can now protect themselves with this self defense product.

There are many choices a woman can make when it comes to choosing a Self Defense product. I believe most attackers might expect to see a woman carrying Pepper Spray or Personal Alarm, but not a Stun Gun. So you have the element of surprise on your side.

Positive Reasons to Use a Stun Gun:

  • They are affordable
  • They require no special training to use them
  • Small enough to carry and still be accessible
  • Non lethal
  • They have a wrist strap that will keep the attacker from using it against you if it is taken from you
  • No kickback when used
  • Can be used on any part of the body (whereas pepper spray must be used on the face only)
  • Can be used further away, when the attacker sees sparks of electricity, it’s very possible you will not even have to use it.

You have the choice of smaller models or bigger ones with more power.

If you are a woman who:

  • Has a job that requires you to work late at night
  • Or possibly you have to use public transportation at odd hours
  • If you are a college student who has to be out late at night, a Stun Gun would be a great choice to ensure your safety.

There is no need to feel nervous when you are out and about. Every woman has the right to protect herself from harm. If a Stun Gun is not the answer for you, then you need to educate yourself to all of your options. There are many other Self Defense products available today. The important thing is to find one that fits your needs and make sure you have it with you at all times, and most importantly, don’t hesitate to use it when it’s necessary.

Safety isn’t expensive, it’s Priceless!