Stun Guns for Self Defense

Stun Guns for Self Defense

You're walking down the street just minding your own business when this guy walks up to you and starts pushing you around. You can smell the alcohol on his breath, so you know it would be useless to try and reason with him. He takes a swing at you and just barely misses. Next he comes at you hard like he's going to wrestle you to the ground.

By now you've already got your stun gun out. You jam it hard into his side, pushing the button just as he grabs you. By the time the two of you hit the ground, he's already twitching with muscle spasms from the electrical current, and in two more seconds, you're getting back up while he's still on the ground, unable to control his bodily functions for the next five or ten minutes.
A stun gun is a weapon used for subduing a person through electric shock. Stun gun technology uses a temporary high-voltage current to override the body's muscle-triggering mechanisms. The energy stored in the gun is dumped into the attacker's muscles causing them to do a great deal of work, very quickly. This rapid work cycle instantly depletes the attacker's blood sugar by converting it to lactic acid, he is unable to produce energy for his muscles, and his body is unable to function properly.

The stun gun also interrupts the neurological impulses that control voluntary muscle movement. When the voltage from the stun gun overwhelms the attacker's neuromuscular system, he loses his balance.
Stun guns have two metal prods or electrodes that transfer the current to the target. The recipient that is touched with a stun gun feels great pain instantly and can be momentarily paralyzed because his muscles are receiving an electrical shock. Both electrodes must touch the subject for the stun gun to be effective.

The voltage in stun guns can range from around 80,000 volts to 975,000 volts; With the most common being in the 100,000 to 300,000 Volt ranges, but the amperage in stun guns is relatively low at around 2mA to 4.6mA (electrical current above 100mA is considered to be potentially lethal). However, because the amount of current in stun guns is relatively low, they are considered to be non-lethal to humans.

According to many sources, a shock for half a second duration will cause intense pain and muscle contractions startling most people greatly. Two to three seconds will often cause the subject to become dazed and drop to the ground, and over three seconds will usually completely disorient and drop an attacker for at least several minutes and possibly for up to ten or fifteen minutes. Should the attacker be touching you, the current will NOT pass to your body!
When I first got one of these stun guns, I was not convinced that they would really work so I tried the 100,000 volt model out on myself (I would not recommend anyone else out there try this) let me tell you, in under 2 seconds It hurt like the dickens and it knocked me on my butt. I'll never doubt their effectiveness again.

Commercially available stun gun varieties are …

A stun baton, which resembles an ordinary nightstick combined with a cattle prod. It has probes on one end that administer an electric shock by contact. In some types of stun batons, the sides of the baton are electrified also to stop the subject from grasping the baton and pulling it away from you.

Small handheld stun guns are the most popular and come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with the most common ones being about the size of a handheld walkie-talkie.
Some stun guns are even disguised as other objects, such as cell-phone stun guns or pager stun guns.

Stun gun flashlights are designed as working flashlights that also have the ability to administer an electric shock with its business end.

A Taser is a well-known type of stun device, with the main difference being that a taser is designed to administer an electric shock through two projectiles attached to wires. The electrical current travels through the wires to deliver its payload to the target.
Stun guns are generally used for self-defense, or by law enforcement to subdue an out-of-control person.
Stun Master (TM) is one manufacturer that has been making stun guns for over 10 years and is one of the most trusted and reliable stun gun makers in the world.