What Is the Most Disturbing Case of Alien Abduction?

What Is the Most Disturbing Case of Alien Abduction?

As a child, I had watched the movie Fire in the Sky, and while I’m tempted to respond that that would be the most disturbing case, the answer is actually quite clear in my mind. Rather the most disturbing case is one that has no one to speak of it, and no actual account of what happened. The information I’m about to reveal to you is quite graphic, and not for children. You have been warned.

In the late nineties, a body was found in the Guarapinga Reservoir, in southern Brazil. While the locals had been used to finding the occasional homicide victim, and even were somewhat familiar with violence done to humans by cartels and gangs, this body stuck out of the ordinary. The Police Chief in charge of the investigation was so disturbed and with so few ideas of how it had happened, that he released information, to include a coroner’s report and gruesome photographs, to his brother, Zapata Garcia. Garcia later turned it over to the UFO community.

The body was found in a state of extreme mutilation, with several organs removed, to include the lips, part of the jawbone, both eyes, and an ear. The small and large intestine tracks had been removed as well as other internal organs. What is striking, was the fact that the removal of these organs was done in such a way that cannot be reproduced by modern medicine. Every organ or set of organs removed, was done so via a small hole approximately 1.5 inches in diameter. In the case of the small and large intestines, all such organs had been removed either through a hole in the belly button, or a slightly larger hole where the scrotum and anus should have been.

This has been thought of, as the first ever publicly revealed ‘Human Mutilation’ case, on par with those of the ‘Cattle Mutilations’. While this was the first, it was apparently not the only, and this draws serious question as to the nature and moral bearings of any beings who might be visiting Earth.