What Are You Doing to Minimize the Effects of Swine Flu?

What Are You Doing to Minimize the Effects of Swine Flu?

I would like you to know a little about the nasty little virus called Swine Flu and some of the the measures you can take to help yourself and minimize or perhaps even prevent some of the nasty effects that you can have, if you should be unlucky enough to become infected.

First of all, the Swine Flu Virus is a new virus, it originated in Mexico at the beginning of 2009. At this point in time there is no vaccine available, The vaccine will have to be developed by the pharmaceutical drug companies and then it will have to be laboratory tested before being used on humans, so, as you will understand, the availability will be some months away, probably towards the end of 2009.

A Zoonosis is any disease or or infection that can transfer from a vertebrate animal to humans. They can be bacterial, viral or parasitic, in this instance swine flu. The problem with any virus is that they are continually changing, perhaps the swine flu virus is not very aggressive this year, but by next year it could have developed a lot more deadly traits.

It is believed that the virus is possibly a Mutation of the Bird Flu Virus and the Swine Flu Virus, this has been the difficulty in the beginning of diagnosing what the problem was with the people in Mexico. Doctors there started to give their patients Antibiotics, which was of no use at all, because antibiotics will not kill a virus, antibiotics are only effective against Bacteria.

It is believed that Flu remedies, such as Tamiflu, does help to calm some of the effects, but it certainly is no guaranteed cure.

All the reports so far, indicate that this virus is no worse than the normal seasonal Flu, but you must remember that thousands die every year from ordinary Flu. There are vulnerable people all over the world, that react differently to flu, some get hit very hard and others only suffer mild symptoms, of course there are lots of people that escape flu entirely. Today is the last day of May, 2009 and there are over 15,000 cases of Swine Flu worldwide, obviously these figures will be well and truly out of date by tomorrow and the next day.

What can we do to help ourselves, there are all the usual things that are commonsense, washing your hands frequently, stay away from crowds of people, if you sneeze, do it in to a tissue, then safely dispose of the tissue, do not get close to others that are coughing, or sneezing.

Eat healthy foods, concentrate on Fruit, vegetables, nuts and berries, anything that is considered natural and don’t forget to keep hydrated, drink plenty of water.

You might wonder why flu effects different people in different ways, well it can have worse consequences for the very young and the aged. It can also be attributed to just being lucky, not being in the place where it was all happening.

It can also be assumed that some have a better and more efficient Immune System than others. We all have an Immune System, built in, it has been there since birth. The immune system is there to help the body fight off any type of infection that comes along, whether it is a virus, bacteria, or any other type of illness or disease. You should, as I have said start concentrating on eating healthy foods, and consider if you should perhaps take supplements like Vitamins, or natural nutrition that has been used for years to boost the efficiency of your immune system. There are a few very good natural products available that are classed as natural nutrition for your immune system. Myself and family have been taking these products for over five years and we have never had any serious health problems since.

Some of the symptoms of Swine Flu. A large number of effected flu victims say that one of the first symptoms was Bloodshot Eyes, then coughing, runny nose, stomach ache, frequency of having to run to the toilet. A general feeling of being unwell. Some have all of these symptoms and others might only have one or two, there is no hard and fast rule with nature.