Maps and Locations – Free Country Outline Maps

Maps and Locations – Free Country Outline Maps

It is a well known fact that maps do not require language skills. An illiterate will most likely be able to interpret a map but not written directions. Still most of the travel and real estate websites on the net do not use maps. I strongly believe that all website must have a small outline map of the city where the business is located and may be of the country as well.

Business map, in their very basic format, have the outline or the boundary of the city. The location of the business can be shown as a colored dot or the business name or your logo can also be shown instead of a dot. A catchy phrase at the bottom or middle of the map can summarize your business. The inset of such a city map can have the country map with basic demarcations of the state or province boundaries and your city shown prominently.

This conveys to the visitor a sense of belonging, a sense of direction, that your business is located in the West or East or North or South. In all probability he will remember the general location and what your business ddeals with, better than the words of the address. We humans have a way with pictures. Now the question comes, how to get the map and then how to edit it as suited to your requirements. There are many mapping sites which provide you with outline maps at low costs. You can visit them and buy these fully editable maps and feed your specific information and use it in your website.

But what you need is a small country outline map, why pay $50 or more to an online mapping site for it. Yes you are right. A country outline map should be available for $20 or may be $10 or even free. So how do you create a free map for your site. Just go over to Google Earth or Google Map, display your country’s full extent, save the screen as image. Now use Adobe Illustrator or Macromedia Freehand to vectorise the outline. You got your vector country outline map. Add the relevant information and use it the way you want.

All simple maps can be easily created by this method but for big and complicated maps you need cartographers or map makers. All maps can not be produced by just drawing lines, you need GIS exports, some re-specifications, may be some adjustments and a pleasing design which conforms to the use of the map. No wonder, map making is a lovely amalgamation of art and science.