How to Translate Your Skill and Passion Into a Thriving, Authentically Prosperous Practice

How to Translate Your Skill and Passion Into a Thriving, Authentically Prosperous Practice

Believe it or not. a huge energetic block that keeps so many spirit-centered practitioners from succeeding is following a “dollars for hours” business model.

You’ve immersed yourself in becoming expert in your chosen modality. You are a wealth of knowledge, guidance and transformation. You have something tremendously valuable to offer the world.

Providing your services on a one to one, hourly basis is going to limit you. You can’t reach the number of people you were meant to help and inspire. And it puts an immovable cap on the amount of income you can generate. There are only so many hours in the day, after all.

Turning some part of your services into a group program is the obvious way to bypass this issue.

But another, often overlooked, strategy is to transform your one-on-one service into a package by bundling services together and adding components that don’t require your time.

Packages make it so easy for lots of reasons –

  • Clients get richer, deeper results
  • You can increase your fees without increasing your workload
  • Clients quickly see the value of what you’re offering

Packages also relieve you of the need to feel like you’re always selling. You can focus more on doing what you love to do (creating transformation) because you don’t have to constantly be thinking about how to get your next client.

Every time you make an innovative shift in your business, like moving from dollars for hours to group work and packages, it allows your bright light of passion to shine more fully on the world.