About White Collar Crime

About White Collar Crime

When discussing a white collar crime, it contains a various amount of crimes, generally all crimes that are committed through deception and persuaded by financial gain. Some of the more common types of white collar crimes include different types of embezzlement, money laundering, tax evasion, and fraud. Majority of the type of frauds and scams that make up the white collar crimes consist of security fraud and Ponzi schemes such as insider trading. Insurance fraud and tax evasion also fall under the category of white collar crimes. Here you can find some white collar crime examples:


Fraud is what makes up the majority of the white collar crimes. Fraud is generally to serve the purpose of deceiving an individual for monetary advantage. One of the familiar types of white collar fraud is securities fraud.

Securities Fraud

There are a various amounts of securities fraud, but one of the more familiar types is known as insider trading. Insider trading is when an individual with inside information about investment or a company exchanges the information in infringement of a duty or agreement.


Embezzlement is the act of inappropriately taking money from an individual to whom you owe a type of obligation. There are many types of embezzlement, however, there are lawyers in which use the funds of the client inappropriately.

Tax Evasion

Criminal tax evasion is a crime in which the individual attempts to bypass paying taxes which he or she would otherwise be obligated to pay. Tax evasion can be the simplest of things such as filing tax forms with inadequate information in order to illegally transfer property in order to escape the obligations. Both businesses and individuals have the possibility of committing criminal tax evasion. Just like fraud, there are many ways in which you can commit criminal tax evasion.

Money Laundering

Money laundering is the illegal action of obtaining illegal acquired money, also known as dirty money. This is done through a sequence of transactions that serve the purpose of making the money be seen as if it was made by the company. Money laundering consists of three steps. The first step is when the money is generally deposited into a bank or a brokerage. The second step is to isolate that money from the original place by a large amount of complex transactions, which makes it more difficult to trace the “dirty” money. Last but not least is integration. This last step is the combining of the now clean money with the money that has been obtained legally.