Dedicated Seedbox – Paving the Way to High Speed Torrent Transfers

Dedicated Seedbox – Paving the Way to High Speed Torrent Transfers

Seedbox devices have recently become popular among BitTorrent users. Once installed in high speed networks, seedbox will be able to give a boost to the torrent transfers rate & make it easier to handle through any browser sitting anywhere in the world. But it should not be mistaken that seedbox use is only limited to speed enhancement of BitTorrent transfer. All the people who are keen to download or transfer huge digital files within fraction of seconds can use them. Many have been able to keep a good account on one of the most demandable private BitTorrent tracking service providers.

The ‘seedbox’ is a not so familiar term that many of us would like to explore. A fully dedicated & private server designed for downloading & uploading of larger digitals files at faster rates is referred to as a dedicated seedbox. The dedicated seedbox manufacturers focus on making it compatible with almost all widely used operating systems such as Windows, Mac OS X & Linux so as to prevent the BitTorrent users from facing any problem in the file transfer due to lack of software compatibility. Here, the files are mainly uploaded & downloaded via the BitTorrent protocol. A connection is usually made between a dedicated seedbox & a high speed network that can transfer files with a speed of 100 Mbit/s or more. Several other protocols such as HTTP, SFTP, rsync or FTP can also be used in seedboxes to help in the uploading for files from a BitTorrent user different from that of yours. Moreover you can download these files right from the seedbox to your computer system very quickly.

The dedicated seedbox used to vary in size & capacity. It is your requirement & budget that will manipulate your decision for buying a dedicated seedbox. All the seedbox varieties are not made for all occasions & some of them serve very special situations. Some of the client web interfaces such as rTorrent, Torrentflux & μTorrent as well as other torrent specific software types are used in them. That’s why dedicated seedboxes are recommended in place of traditional home-based BitTorrents these days. However, seedbox offers many benefits which are as follows:

  • Great Speed: – Both the dedicated or shared seedbox servers operate in a faster speed than the usual home-based internet service.
  • Instant Downloading & Uploading facility: – Seedboxes allow unlimited bandwidth in the uploading of files & help them transfer at a faster rate in both ways.
  • Economical Advantage: –The seedbox gives user an opportunity to get economical advantage in terms of cost & performance which is absent in case of non-seedbox users. It also enables him/her to keep a healthy dedicated seedbox account.
  • An All Time Low Home Internet Service Use: – The use of seedbox ensures user uploading & downloading of an unlimited amount of torrents without much use of domestic internet service.
  • Round the clock Access to Torrents Facility: – Seedbox is far more superior to BitTorrent trackers as they will provide users with the access to seedbox servers at anytime & from anywhere in the world.
  • No Risk of ISP Capping: – Since the seedbox traffic does not include ISP account details in them, the user does not face any risk of ISP capping.
  • Security & Safety: – The use of seedbox minimizes the cases of RIAA & MPAA issues which generally arise in case of BitTorrent users. That’s why seedboxes offer more safety & security.