Why Bother To Import From China?

Why Bother To Import From China?

From recent statistics, the richest government in the world is China with an estimated national reserve of $2,454,300,000,000. Yes, that is in trillions and this is what China is worth now. With the opening up of the economy during Deng Xiau Peng’s leadership from a Communist state, China has grown by leaps and bounds to become the economic superpower in this era. It has overtaken Japan to be the number two biggest economic power broker in the world. Hence, it makes good financial sense to import and do business with China nowadays.

Very Competitive Pricing

China is able to offer very competitive pricing because of its lower exchange rate in Remimbi and cheaper labor force. If you want to stay competitive in your market and beat your competitors, then by all means, import goods from China which offers fast turnaround time. Everyday shipment of goods is sent out throughout the world. That is how competitive the Chinese market has become. With the internet age, communication has become border-less and with such great speed of just sending an email to a potential client, China is able to do business worldwide. Many countries realize this and are sourcing cheap materials like synthetic turf, electronic gadgets, replica branded goods, etc from China.

The Chinese are a Diligent Lot

Chinese are well-known for their diligence. Hence, where ever you place them, be it in a foreign country or their birth country, they will usually flourish and prosper. Most of them make good of what they have – their talents and motivation to work hard. So, if you import from a Chinese company in China, you can almost be assured of immediate response to your email requests and the shipment will be sent out very soon, perhaps even the next day if they have ready stock. Otherwise, the production line will start immediately for your order and can be exported out in the near future. Furthermore, it is not in the Chinese culture to be idle and many Chinese families will impart the sense of working hard to their young ones and this continues from generation to generation.

Competitive Pricing with Good Quality

The Chinese are like ants working all day long to store up food for the winter. They make hay while the sun shines and that is why, most of the Chinese will never go hungry because they are well prepared for the future. And so, most of the production line in China go on for 24 hours, 7 days a week. They work non-stop and in shifts – day shift and night shift. The fact that most people work hard in China makes it very attractive to do business with them and to import material and goods from them at half or one-third the price compared to the market rate. The Chinese are able to offer competitive pricing without compromising on the quality. In fact, the quality is second to none when it comes to embroidery, wood carvings, etc. at very attractive prices.