Why Moving To Drupal CMS Is a Great Advantage

Why Moving To Drupal CMS Is a Great Advantage

Whether you are a webmaster, a business owner or a developer, it is very important to have a web technology that can help you to create a site that can help you to remain competitive in the market and at the same time meet the demands of your customers. In fact, selecting a CMS is the first step to create a functional website and it can really be a daunting task. Drupal CMS is an open source platform that has powered millions of websites and applications. Since it is fully flexible and extensible, and you have great access to a huge community of active developers worldwide, it can help the developers quickly build and customize the project according to the client’s requirements.

Drupal and its plenty of opportunities:

Drupal CMS development can be used to build community web portals to personal websites, social networking sites to e-stores, from resource directories to newsletters. It is a strong web platform that allows various organizations to address specific requirements to create a stronger online presence. With this platform you can have an easy access to twenty nine thousand modules and about two thousand different themes that can be used to develop customized websites. Thousands of add-on modules and designs have made Drupal development the most preferred choice of designers as well as developers.

A comparison with Joomla and WordPress

We all are aware of the fact that each web development platform has its own features and functionalities. WordPress is a good pick for the beginners and it works well for blogging or mid-sized websites. Joomla on the other hand is a very good platform that can be used for ecommerce websites and requires some technical knowledge when it comes to coding. Compared to both these two platforms, Drupal is the hardest and the most powerful CMS among all and it is suitable for all types of websites and is the easiest CMS for moderation. It is also considered while creating ecommerce sites as an addition or modification of Drupal templates is easy and does not take much time to create tailor made apps.

Some advantages of using the Drupal platform:

Rapid and Agile: Web 2.0 development is at the core of Drupal and it offers clean markup code, content management, forums, search, page and blog publishing and many more.

Highly scalable: Drupal is highly scalable. If you start with 5 pages initially, you have the option to grow to 5000 pages without requiring changing anything. The security and performance parameters can easily be changed from the Admin console.

Free modules available: There are more than 16000 modules available from the community that makes it easy to add specific features to your site. From security, CRM and social media to SEO, backup, migration or performance and more there are various modules available that make it easy to add latest features.

3rd party integration: A huge community of developers and theme designers has created numerous feature rich templates to help you realize your website’s vision. Responsive layouts, stock graphics, aesthetics, fonts, color schemes and layout editors make it easy to work with 3rd party themes. Adding ecommerce modules or integrating payment gateways is also easy as Drupal is open to lots of APIs and modules.