What Is Magento? Types of Magento Platforms

What Is Magento? Types of Magento Platforms

What is Magento?

Ecommerce offers innovative platforms as well as additional applications which are aimed on developing your website in the most efficient way. It turns out to be a great tool when it comes to making your online business as profitable as possible. Magento platform appears to be one of the most popular platforms due to several features and advantages in comparison with other platforms. Let’s have a closer look on them a find out why every Magento development company has turned into a necessity. First, we need to find out what Magento is. This platform is provided practically by every ecommerce design company and can be used for both small business as well as large enterprises. It will be efficient for creating an online store, which will make it possible for the owner to deal with all kinds of sales, as well as providing services. One of the main advantages of this platform is the fact that it lets your customers proceed with any purchase with only one click. In other words you will be able to sell your products as quick as possible. At the same time Magento platform will also be beneficiary for the owner of the website as he may have no worries about software along with additional services and codes. Moreover Magento ecommerce developer will provide you with truly unique feature: scalable platform. It means that it can be customized to every need of your business throughout its development.

Main Types of Magento Platforms

Every user is able to take the advantage of three different platforms which are available at the moment. Every type of platform is featured by its on characteristics in accordance with your needs. If you are looking for high quality performance, Magento enterprise edition will be the best bet for you. The main advantage of this type of platform is the fact that it is presented as scalable solution for ecommerce. At the same time it can easily be customized to any type of conditions starting from flexible desktop to mobile versions. This version is followed by numerous additional extensions. They make it easy to integrate different apps to other platforms that you might use for your business.

Magento Go is another type of platform. This version will be a perfect choice for those who run a small business. The main advantage of this platform is the fact that it also provides you with reliable hosting. Moreover you will benefit from various efficient business tools and flexible design. Customers will also be supported 24/7. Community edition is the last type of platform. It is mostly used by ecommerce web designers and developers. It lets them edit website in accordance with their needs and needs of their customers. This version is available absolutely free and is followed by community based support.

Numerous Extensions

Those who use Magento platform are also able to take the advantage of thousands of extensions. All of them can be easily integrated to your website without any exceptions. In addition you will be provided with a special private sales feature that makes it possible for you to indicate necessary group of buyers and send them invitations in addition to different promotions and loyalty programs. It means that every potential buyer can be easily turned into a returning customer.

Easy to Manage Website Content

Every Magento program comes along with sophisticated management system that lets you build content for every page of your website. At the same time you will find it rather easy to create a new version of the website in case of necessity as well as build a number of catalogues. You are recommended to use staging option at first. This should be done in order to test new website version or catalogue. All platforms are also featured with the most advanced and innovative search method that is one of the best in comparison with all existing.

Additional Features

Users still have a lot of additional features to benefit from. You can take the advantage of customer store credit feature that makes it easy to utilize your visitors with store credits that can be used for different purposes in accordance with their needs. At the same time you will be able to decide what level of access should be specific customer provided.

Summing Up

Summing up, it should be mentioned that Magento platform is becoming more and more popular each day. At the same time you will not face any difficulties in finding descent Magento development company as well as hire Magento developer. There appear many specialists in this sphere. It means that every person who runs online business is able to receive a very efficient tool that will help to develop your enterprise and bear fruit from every sale. If you still have any doubts, here are the main reasons, why businesspersons are choosing this type of ecommerce platform:

  • free open source platforms for all needs – it means that the code will be open to the public. Everyone is able to download the platform free of charge; huge variety of features and extensions – Magento platform will provide you with all necessary tools, features and extensions that are easily customized to your website. You will benefit from easy content management as well as ability to create new version of the website;
  • flexible platforms – you can easily change already existing features and get yourself new ones in accordance with your needs and purposes. excellent architecture – every
  • Magento platform is built with perfection. It means that you will use a reliable tool for prosperous online business.