Webinar Services – The Key Growth Driver for Businesses in the Asia Pacific Region

Webinar Services – The Key Growth Driver for Businesses in the Asia Pacific Region

According to a recent survey report, the focus on Unified Communication has largely increased in Malaysia, Singapore and other Asia Pacific region in the last few years. The report submitted by research house Frost & Sullivan shows this rise on the backdrop of tremendous demands for video conferencing, data sharing, call control, web casting and other teleconferencing services by the business firms located in the region. It is estimated that the communication industry will grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 9.2 per cent as against around 5 per cent now.

A large number of companies have emerged as the solution provider to the communication needs of the business organizations located in the region. Cisco is one such leading Unified communication solution provider that provides an ideal platform for merging audio, video and web conferencing through webcasting and webinar services.

A webcast is basically used to transfer live videos, presentation or any other things to a large number of people located in different parts of the world through streaming media technology. On the other hand webinar is a term derived by the combination of Web and seminar and is used for conducting seminar and presentation over long distances.

Webinars are very much similar to a conference room seminar except that the participants are located at far off places who participate in the process through computer systems. These systems are integrated in such a way that the audio and video data are conveyed to each participant at the same time. Moreover, the process being Interactive, each participants can keep their view and contribute in the activity. Apart from seminar and presentation, webinar is also used for successfully conducting business meeting without any glitch. It is for these reasons that business organizations seek webinars solution for their communication needs over long distance.

A reputed company like Cisco Jabber provide all the three tools of UC solutions namely Instant Messaging, Collaboration and support for mobility at a reasonable cost. Host of features like file transfer, desktop sharing, desktop video sharing and power presentation has helped countries like Malaysia to grow into a global business hub. These services has cut the travel cost and has also saved a lot of precious time of the business executives. Moreover, it has helped countries like Singapore and Malaysia earn carbon credits which is at the forefront of their agendas.

The various features of conferencing services are largely availed by education and hi-tech industries and Banking and Financial Services Institutions (BFSI), for remote communication. Therefore, web conferencing services is expected to play a key role in the growth of these sectors. Thus, the benefits of webinar services are huge and the future of conferencing services looks very promising.