eCommerce Web Development: Mistakes Significantly Impacting Your Entrepreneurial Endeavors

eCommerce Web Development: Mistakes Significantly Impacting Your Entrepreneurial Endeavors

The prospect of getting an eCommerce store developed is tempting, to say the least. Touted as the proverbial money-spinner, an eCommerce platform is fast becoming a crucial part of our shopping experience. As per reports, in the year 2013, around 40-41% percent of people had shopped online. The figure is well poised to touch 46% in the year 2017.

A Few Words About eCommerce Development

Development of eCommerce platforms is no walk in the park. Mistakes along the way can significantly impact your entrepreneurial fortunes. No amount of discount or sales can help you if you don’t have a user-friendly site or for that matter if your contact information is not easily visible. Here is a lowdown on the major eCommerce development mistakes that you should avoid at any cost.

A Few eCommerce Web Development Mistakes Ruining Your ROI

An efficient eCommerce Web Development Company will not commit these mistakes at any cost.

Mistake 1: You aren’t paying heed to the factors to be considered while selecting an eCommerce platform

Do you realize that even the most popular eCommerce platform like Shopify cannot really be chosen arbitrarily? The choice of the eCommerce platform is the most vital decision affecting the future of your eCommerce store. And, what exactly are the factors that need to be taken into account? The size of your inventory, payment methods and the projected number of customers are just a few attributes that should ideally govern your choice of the eCommerce platform.

Mistake 2: Coming Up with A Layout Which Does Not Evoke Enough Trust

It happens and happens often. The appearance of your site is critical to business growth. You simply cannot forget that your users are trusting you with their personal information (like name, address, and their credit information). Now, the digital world is no stranger to instances of data breaches and information hacks. Shoppers have become more cautious than ever as far as providing personal information is concerned. They will simply like to ignore an eCommerce site which does not inspire due confidence. Businesses should be prudent enough to view a website just like a customer. Have a good look at your own site. Would you have divulged your personal details to the site (created by you) if you were a customer? You’re committing a major mistake if you aren’t doing this.

Mistake 3: Not having enough payment options

This remains one of the major reasons why eCommerce stores end up losing customers. Why not facilitate user experience by including as many payment options? With payment services like Google Wallet, PayPal and Amazon you can let your shoppers pay with all the leading credit cards or electronic checks.

Mistake 4: Not Coming Up with a User-Friendly Layout

No matter how tempting it sounds, the inclusion of too many features on your website only goes on to hinder its loading speed. Aim for simplified navigation. Make sure you’re making your site as clutter-free as possible accommodating all the necessary information at the same time.