Google Profits: It’s Not Just A Google Cash Rehash

Google Profits: It’s Not Just A Google Cash Rehash

Finally a book that truly demystifies making money online, and does it in plain English. Google Profits by Wade M. Winger (edited by Denise Blankenship) is an online business related ebook centered around earning money through Google AdWords and ClickBank affiliate products.

What To Expect From Google Profits

The book is geared to those who are new to online or affiliate marketing and can even be of great value to intermediate affiliate marketers. Google Profits explains, in plain English, what an affiliate program, Pay Per Click advertising, ClickBank, and Google AdWords are and why the latter two are the focus of the ebook.

Google Profits continues by explaining how to select affiliate products from ClickBank to market using the 5 step success formula.

  1. Find a product
  2. Set up an advertising campaign
  3. Identify profitable campaigns
  4. Start a full campaign
  5. Expand (make more money)

Each step has supporting information separated into two parts: Information and Action. The information section gives an overview of the step and why it’s important. The action step outlines exactly what you need to should do using the information provided.

Demystifying Google AdWords And Taking The Easy Route With ClickBank

Coming from an Internet Marketing background, I must say that most of the content provided is based on sound advice such, especially the section on developing profitable AdWords campaigns. However, I don’t fully agree with his suggestion to blatantly copy other advertisers if you draw a blank for advertisements.

It seems like a very bad habit in my opinion and doesn’t teach creative thinking. I would suggest emulating the other advertisers. Learn from their ad and then craft a better one.

In addition to the excellent section on developing successful AdWords campaigns, I wish the book included at least a small section on how to manage or keep track of the campaigns. That was an instance that I was glad to have Rosalind Gardner’s Super Affiliate Handbook because it has some great tips for managing and estimating the profitability of AdWords campaigns.

The section on expanding the successful campaigns could have also used a few more details on the advertisers other than Overture and Search123 needing a landing page.

A brief blurb on why he liked the listed advertising sources, any caveats to using them, and any other notes the reader should be aware of before deciding to use them would definitely have enriched the section.

But all in all, my mind was finally able to wrap itself around some of the concepts which seemed so confusing in other articles or ebooks. I now have a much clearer understanding of how to get started advertising with Google AdWords. While it may not be the definitive guide to Google AdWords, it’s certainly enough to get someone ‘new to the game’ started right away.

When Google Profits gets into the ClickBank section, the book states “go to ClickBank and search through the 11,000+ affiliate programs.” That may cause some confusion to someone just starting out because ClickBank does not have search function. But he does clear it up when he goes into the explanation for finding the products via the ClickBank marketplace.

Google Profits Makes For Easy Reading

Google Profits is written for the layman, complete with a step by step walk through and screen shots. While the language wasn’t completely elementary, it didn’t contain an overabundance of technical or ‘buzz’ words.

The paragraphs were of a manageable length and the size of the font when printed made for comfortable reading. Because of this relaxed writing style, language, and structure, I found learning from it to be exceptionally easy and enjoyable.

However, there were an odd number of simple grammatical errors for an ebook which has an actual editor. Though not many, it was still slightly perturbing to see them. But not to worry, they certainly didn’t take away from the readability or informational integrity of the ebook itself.

This is an ideal book for those just starting out online or even intermediate online marketers who have been shying away from using Google’s AdWords program because it seemed too complicated or time consuming. I actually felt pumped up and eager to get started before I even arrived at the first ‘Action’ section, but I wanted to read it through once for comprehension before starting.

Final Thoughts and Helpful Advice When Getting Google Profits

If you truly want to get started online with affiliate marketing, it doesn’t get any easier than Google Profits, but make sure you have at least $100 to build up some momentum. Once you’ve established yourself in the black, then take some of that profit and reinvest in to build up a stable monthly income.

If you wish to truly expand and build a business out of affiliate marketing, I’d recommend purchasing Rosalind Gardner’s Super Affiliate Handbook to expound on the Google Profits Success Techniques.

At the end of the day, I give Google Profits 4 out of 5 stars.