Joomla Extension Review – Filtered News Module

Joomla Extension Review – Filtered News Module

Filtered News is a Joomla Module that allows you to show article leads in a module position, and it has all of the configuration that is missing from the standard Joomla Module Newsflash and What’s New: multiple display layouts, configurable content elements, text character number limit, include image, and more.

More than once I have struggled with the limitations of the Joomla Newsflash and What’s New modules. Both of these extensions provide only a basic display of news items and are severely lacking in configuration settings. Necessity is the mother of invention, and lucky for you, it pushed the developers at JoomlaVargas to develop this great module that includes all the features of Newsflash and What’s New and a LOT more.

Below is an example of the Filtered News module in action. The box on the left using the news scroller layout. The news items change every x number of seconds. The box on the right uses the plain list layout.

This Joomla module is a great way to display fresh content and do it with style. The following is a list of its main features:

  • Free
  • Installed and ran “out of the box” with no issues.
  • Easy to configure
  • Multiple display layouts. The slider and scroller layouts are especially nice
  • Count: control the number of articles that display
  • Order: order, random, most recent, most hits
  • Only articles from last X days. Display articles from within the number of days you specify
  • Image Resize. If the article has an image, you can choose to include it and re-size it too. No longer do you have to make sure that thumbnails are included in the intro text. Filtered News will resize and use the first image it finds in the article. What a GREAT time saver!
  • Filter by section, category, author, recent days, keywords, front page
  • Specify height, width, background color, border, padding
  • Specify which article elements to include: image, title, text, author, date, category, section, readmore
  • Limit the number of characters to show from text
  • And more! There are too many configurations to describe

I highly recommend this module. It gets the job done and does everything you’d expect from a free Joomla News Module.