React JS: New Trend in Web Development

React JS: New Trend in Web Development

The ecosystem of the front-end is constantly emerging and evolving and some tools are becoming immensely popular in the market for revolutionising the web development workflow. Undoubtedly, this ReactJS JavaScript library is one of them.

The big name like Facebook manages this library along with its super-efficient developer community. Moreover, other popular and leading firms like PayPal, Apple, Netflix (recent sensation) are using this framework. Let’s dig into the list of persuasive reasons and find out how this framework is changing the face of web development.

> Facilitates Maintenance and Boosts Productivity

Sometimes, any system update can become a major headache as any sudden change can affect the complex logic of the system and its working activities. To get rid of this problem, Facebook supplemented this JavaScript library with such an ability that can reuse the system components! Developers find it as an amazing feature.

All components have own set of logic that makes it easy to define, handle and manipulate. This approach makes sure that the application has consistent look along with facilitating the codebase maintenance.

> Easy Process to Write Components

JavaScript has an optional syntax extension JSX. With this extension, developers can easily write own components. Hence, devising custom components and high volume applications using this JSX become smoother. The subcomponent rendering becomes easier as well. Moreover, it accepts the HTML quoting. You can make the source simpler and cleaner with React.createElement. Conversion of HTML mockups to ReactElement trees becomes remarkably efficient using ReactJS.

> Stable Code

Sometimes, any change in the child structure can affect their parents. To avert this issue, ReactJS follows only the down data flow. While changing any particular object, developers can simply change the state and can make the necessary changes. In this way, only that particular components would get updated and the data binding structure would make sure consistent app performance and code stability.

> Virtual DOM

Most of the latest engines and platforms suffer from an annoying bottleneck issue. To deal with it, Facebook introduced the concept of Virtual DOM. This virtual representation of the DOM (document object model) makes sure that any change first leaves an effect on it and then it gets reflected on the real DOM tree. It makes sure that the entire process consumes the least time. Moreover, this process guarantees better app performance and enhanced user experience.

> Strong Community Support

The engineering team of big fortune names like Facebook. Instagram is working behind ReactJS. Moreover, this JavaScript library has external support. For instance, the GitHub repository of React has almost more than 1100 contributors. The users can ask their queries on Reactiflux Chart, Stack Overflow, Freenode IRC etc. and with the help of this big community support, they can easily get the solutions.

Other than all the above-mentioned points, ReactJS offers some excellent design and debugging toolset that is very helpful to the developers. Moreover, it comes with a bunch of inbuilt SEO facilities. This framework is not only easy to work but also easy to learn.

So, when you are working on the single page application and looking for rapid development, ReactJS is definitely worthy of your time and attention.