Mobile Platform on the Web

Mobile Platform on the Web

It makes perfect sense that mobile access to the Internet could be introductory to a number of countries. The traditional Internet involves a wire or a phone line if you remember the stone age of the Internet. Cellular technologies are helping our planet to overcome the boundaries of the wire, and enabling Internet access in places that even electricity is scarce, so long as they have a charged battery. With that said, I can easily see how mobile media will become more and more heavily used.

The first thing that pops in my mind is hiring a translator. I would imagine that once a country is targeted, one would need to communicate with them in their native tongue. Of course there will be exceptions with English speaking countries, but I feel to expand your audience through means of internationality, means to expand your message in the same way. “This year China overtook America as the country with the largest number of Internet users … and China also has some 600m mobile-phone subscribers” (The Economist, 2008).

Of course one must also realize that the audience they are reaching is mostly on a mobile platform. Knowing what medium they are using to access the Internet and what language they speak is almost enough to run a healthy ad campaign that targets these new audiences. The same methodologies must be applied to these new audiences that have been applied to others. This audience would need to be studied, and knowing their unfamiliarity with the Internet as a whole might help one group their audience into psychological categories.

For example, I might find that most of my audience from a particular country to be spontaneous strivers. In this instance, I would be able to form a strategy that targets my audience in their native language, using spontaneous call to action that triggers their desire to become achievers, all within a mobile platform. In this example, I would have created a very well rounded starting point for reaching my new audience and capitalizing on their needs or desires. Starting point implies that testing will still be necessary, I think it goes without saying that testing is something that should be applied to everything constantly.