Stop Hackers From Accessing Your Website

Stop Hackers From Accessing Your Website

If you haven’t taken your privacy seriously, here is a news that will shock you. You might fall victim to a group of hackers who can control your Laptop’s inbuilt webcam or any other external webcam attached to your computers.

Yes, there is a whole community of webcam hackers who call their victims their Slaves and they talk about how many slaves they’ve got and what they are planning to do with them.

Hacking into your computer and access your webcam is not a big task for a hackers, they just need to install something on your PC or get your permission to user your microphone and webcam by tricking you to click a button, which could be a play button for a video or free download button.

You fall prey to them because you really get curious to watch that video or download that free software from an untrusted website.

Rachel Hyndman, from Glasgow, revealed how she was spied on by hackers while she was in the bath. English student Rachel Hyndman was using her laptop to watch a DVD in her bathroom when she noticed her webcam suddenly turned itself on.

‘It was terrifying to think people had been looking at me without me knowing. I wondered how often they had done it without me realising. The thought someone had access to me in this private moment is horrifying.’

Does this scare you?

Well, there are few software which can help you monitor the control of your website, for example, the application called Safetized can tell you when if your website is being accessed so that you can turn it off or know that someone is trying to access it.

How to save yourself from such attacks?

You surely don’t want anyone to look at you from the other side of the world. You can prevent this by following few tips like installing an Anti-Virus on your Computer. Avoid visiting porn and cracked software download websites and most importantly keep your PC from getting infected. Also, you might have noticed a small light on the left or right side of your laptop’s webcam that is turned on when your Webcam is in use. If you think you can’t check it all the time then applications like Safetizied are made for you.

Turning your PC off, when not in use, is another great idea to save yourself from being recorded and save power as well.