One Stop Information Shops

One Stop Information Shops

The internet is a vast repository of information.. It unites the world like nothing else has ever done. It is said that Google in 2014 indexed 200 Tera bytes of data which is just.004 percent of the total internet! Considering there is such a lot of information on every possible topic of human interest on it, it makes sense to have one source of information relating to various topics of interest.

What are trending topics?

Trending topics are those which are being discussed more than others at this point of time. It is useful to find the trending topics on social media like Twitter and Facebook which have a section called Twitter trends and Facebook trends respectively. It is useful for marketers to prepare relevant marketing content. Twitter is especially the source of the latest information as people tweet in short staccato sentences events of the world as they happen.

The most relevant articles are available on trending sites giving a graphical representation of interest shown worldwide in that particular news item over the course of the day, the regional depiction of those who showed the interest and their various other demographic parameters.

How is data being adapted for the explosion in internet and because of technology?

· Cloud computing is providing the solution for the problem of lack of storage space in mobile devices

· Download speeds. High internet speed connection is important because a low speed may cause your server to time out while accessing a website. Some users can switch between 3G and 4G connection depending on which is faster.

· Image display – There is a greater data usage for high definition displays which have become the standard for marketing videos and pictures.

· File sync software- Users nowadays would like to access their files on different devices like computers, tablets and smartphones. So websites have been designed with different formats each to suit a particular device.

· Content – Content too is shrinking for the reason that nobody has the patience to go through pages and pages of matter. It will also be a drain on the data usage. Hence control of the size of webpages is the trend now.

Popular Topics

Related to trending topics or an outcome of it, are what settle as the popular topics on the internet. In one survey among the 40 categories that appeared consistently across websites worldwide, the ten most popular topics on the internet have been listed below rank wise

1. Health

2. Games

3. Auto and Moto

4. IT and Tech

5. Sports

6. Home and Recreation

7. Music

8. Cinema

9. Love and family

10. Women

Having a site with trending information on all these is indeed a pleasure to go through if it is accompanied by colorful and relevant imagery, It should provide just enough information to establish the knowledge matter in the average reader’s mind. There are enough specialist websites which go deep into the matter of anything. If not the web, there are books and research material waiting.