10 Grammar Tips for Your Twitter

10 Grammar Tips for Your Twitter

10 Grammar Tips for Your Social Media

There are some very often grammar mistakes that occur in the Twitter messages. We have summarized a list of for you.

You may know that marketing needs a compelling copy of your business ad and to write a compelling copy, you need a good grammar and a medium to display. The internet is a vast field and it accommodates almost every business through various types of social media ads. One of the various best social media sites is called Twitter.

Entrepreneurs who are marketing through the web are aware of this fact that tweets can be retweeted but often times they ignore the very important aspect of writing a good tweet by putting in or just ignoring the grammar related mistakes.

1. Compose your tweets with caution. My college professor always said that if I count the words that I write, I am not writing the words that count. This happened before the birth of Twitter. Today not only the words that we write are counted, we even count our characters that are written. It is recommended to proofread your tweets before posting.

2. We often communicate through writing but not always with a pen as the mediums of writing have changed, the digital media has only changed the tools. As a matter of fact, with the evolution of the new ways of communications, the importance of traditional skill of writing to convey information has gained more prominence nowadays.

3. People often confuse “Accept” and “Except” or vice versa ignoring the fact that what is needed or which word is required. “Accept” stands for “receiving” or “admitting” anything, for example, you must accept the reason of the accident or she accepted the medal on behalf of the entire company. Whereas, “Except” stands for “excluding” someone or something, for example all the students are going to picnic except Jane or I like all nuts except peanut.

4. People on Twitter also confuse “Advice” with “Advise”. Advice is a noun while Advise is a verb, the improper usage change the whole meanings, for example if someone write “The advice he gave to me helped me a lot” means the direction given was helpful. On the other hand if anyone writes “He advised her to be vigilant while dealing with certain people” it means that there is sort of a caution in the speech for a person who is going to deal with certain people.

5. Same is the case with the words “Among” and “Between”. Among is used for a group, for example, “mingle among the people”, in the other case it is “between two people” or “between two points”.

6. “Anxious” and “Eager” are also confused by people while tweeting. “Anxious” stands for a worry or someone is worried or restless about something, like, “Why are you so anxious about this job?” whereas “Why are you so eager to get this job” stands for a keenness or willingness for a job.

7. People/Peoples: This is a common mistake. There is no such word like “peoples” and “people” itself is a plural.

8. Illicit/Elicit – The common confusing words for Twitter followers. “Elicit” is “to obtain”, like, “Ask questions about the subject to elicit the views of others” while “Illicit” stands for “Naughty” or “prohibited” like “illicit drugs” or “illicit motives”.

9. Be careful with “loose” and “lose”. “Loose” carry the meanings like “free” or “irresponsible”, for example, “a loose knot” and “a loose talk” while “lose” carry the meanings like “loss” or “missing”, for example, “I lose my homework so doing it again” or “I cannot afford to lose my watch”.

10. “Disinterested” = unbiased, fair. “Uninterested”= unresponsive, unconcerned.

Examples: We should seek a disinterested person to settle our dispute.

The student is so uninterested in the class that she fell asleep.