Know These Powerful Laravel Features Before You Head for PHP Web Development

Know These Powerful Laravel Features Before You Head for PHP Web Development

There are millions of websites and web applications created every day but very few become that popular and get enough visitors. Clearly, for a website to get a number of visitors, it must have an appealing layout, great navigation and striking features. While there are ample of PHP frameworks for developing excellent applications or websites, Laravel always draws the most attention from the developers for supporting easy and agile web development. Website owners, as well as developers, want the process of development to be smooth and simple with clean and reusable coding. Laravel stands as one of those few frameworks that fulfil such desires. Moreover, the rich and readability features along with flexibility make it an enviable platform to many for creating websites and online applications.

Here’s pointing out why Laravel rules and has been ascending its way to be the best PHP framework.

App structure

Laravel comes with a default application structure that is highly easy to use and thus offers an extremely convenient way to start any big or small application. With it, website creators can organise an app just as the way their owners want or deemed fit.


It is one of the few frameworks known that makes authentication utterly simple and fast. In it, everything has been configured already for the website creators unusually. The file for configuration consists of all essential documented items that are required for adjusting the behaviour of authentication services.


Laravel bears localisation features that are highly convenient to the programmers for retrieving strings of multiple languages. Those allow supporting of many languages easily on the web application, thereby making it a globally known phenomenon.


While pagination is a strenuous aspect in web development, Laravel makes it pretty easier at the first go. It can quickly help one to create intelligent links for the website based on the current page and HTML. Moreover, links created are completely consistent with Bootstrap CSS framework.

Routing system

The framework empowers the web programmers to use a routing method that is highly simple and convenient. They just need to build a directory for the URI and then create and assign appropriate links to the named routes. The basic advantage is that while writing the code, Laravel itself puts the URIs based on links to the defined routes and even updates them as the routes change.

Blade templates

Laravel comes with a basic yet robust templating engine which unlike other PHP templating engines does not restrict the developers from using the plain code in the views. Further, all the Blade views are then properly arranged into simple PHP code and are also cached before they are redone.

Apparently, with these set of virtues, Laravel outperformed other popular frameworks and paved its way to be the leading PHP framework in web development space. However, to get all the fruitful advantages out of it, you need support from expert hands for a great web application.