Does Subliminal Advertising Work on Twitter Timeline?

Does Subliminal Advertising Work on Twitter Timeline?

We’ve all heard of subliminal advertising. Most of us have experienced it, somehow, and it is a fine line between really creative advertising and subliminal one. When we pass a certain fast food store and we feel the flavor of tasty food, we feel compelled to try it. When we watch a movie and we see actors drink a certain brand of juice, we feel the need to drink it too. Subliminal advertising is much more subtle than classic advertising and it can be used to incite all of our senses in order to create the need for the product or service. But does it work on Twitter timeline? Can an update on Twitter have an effect on our brain? As a marketer, do you know which buttons to push when it comes to twitter in order to create subliminal advertising that works?

Twitter is compressed information.

Unlike Facebook, where you can post a tremendous amount of information, Twitter allows you only a limited number of characters. This is the reason why information is more compressed on Twitter and advertising on this social network is based on finding the most interesting and eye-catching phrase that will make people want to know more about you. In other words, it is much more difficult to advertise on Twitter than on any other social network because you only get one shot. The principle of advertising on Twitter revolves on creating a certain buzz that will incite people.

Under these circumstances, in order to create efficient subliminal advertising on Twitter, you need a strategic mind and lots of research in order to see what incites people. Whenever we grow our network on Twitter, our timeline becomes a real boom of updates and, for that matter, so do the timelines of those who follow us. The question is if those updates can be done in such way that they hit a certain part of our brain and direct our purchasing behavior. This means subliminal advertising, of course.

The value of an insight.

In the advertising world, one of the most important words is insight. An insight is valuable information that tells you exactly which button to push in order to touch your consumers. An insight is not about your product, at least not in the first phase. An insight is about you consumer, telling you what your product needs to offer them in order to attract them. For example, have you noticed how chocolate usually melts in the summer, leaving you with sticky fingers and an unpleasant sensation? Well, if you own a brand of chocolate and tell your consumers yours doesn’t melt like the others, you’ve gotten their attention. This is an insight: though nobody expressed they needed chocolate that doesn’t melt because they knew chocolate usually melts, everybody would have liked to have that kind of chocolate.

Returning to advertising on Twitter, in order to reach that part of your consumer’s brain in which they feel the urge to buy your product, you need to have a valuable insight. If you want to create effective subliminal advertising on Twitter, just post that insight which you have and you will get people thinking. And as thought determines actions, you will also get to control their purchasing behavior.

Research the human nature. Research your consumers. Research your competition.

Sometimes, great ideas just come to us from nothing. But most of the times, we need research. If you want to run effective Twitter campaigns, you need a deep knowledge of what incites people, what they secretly desire, what are the magic words for your target and how to stay ahead of your competition. Never underestimate the power of research for it truly is a spring of inspiration. Train your strategic mind, test your knowledge every day and create catchy, persuasive and valuable phrases that will help you grow your business with Twitter advertising.