Choosing Amongst the Top Elearning Authoring Tools

Choosing Amongst the Top Elearning Authoring Tools

With technological advancement, the way learning is delivered also changing. Over the past many years, there is a remarkable increase in the demand for eLearning courses to meet pertinent training needs of the corporate sector. Therefore, the scope of using eLearning authoring tools is continuously on the rise for eLearning development, thereby reducing costs and saving time.

In today’s digital scenario, it is imperative to choose the right kind of

elearning authoring tools for any eLearning project to be successful. The choice may vary on factors such as budget, benefits, scalability, mobile friendliness, design, and more. There are several rapid authoring tools which help to create interactive online courses. Some of these include:

Adobe Captivate

It is a desktop-based elearning authoring tools compatible with both Windows and Mac. The built-in interface of Captivate helps to develop optimal quality system demos as per the personalized learning styles and preferences of users. Features including seamless mobile support and geo-location ensure optimal quality learning experience for intended learners.


A cloud-based and responsive rapid learning tool and

elearning authoring tools which helps to create high-quality training content. Elucidat uses a library of pre-built templates to help authors create an exceptional experience for all. It also supports social polling, gamification, and other features to impart a personalized and adaptive learning experience. Elucidat provides learners with unlimited control and sophistication over the look and feel. It gives the ability to add interactivities by dragging and dropping text and media components to training content.

Articulate Storyline

A Windows desktop application with the same look and feel that of a PowerPoint application. Storyline allows the authors to create custom online courses and control theme pages using the slide master and project colors. Triggers fire when the user clicks, taps, or rolls over an object on the screen. When one of these actions take place, users can also adjust auto navigation, media, and variables in accordance as per the screen size. Storyline publishes content to HTML5 with rich multimedia and interactivity.


It is one of the most potent web-based and SCORM compliant elearning authoring tools used to create highly interactive elearning courses in different languages. Composica enables the subject matter experts, authors, reviewers, and designers to collaborate with ease. Its collaboration feature aids users to view open activities, comment on any event, and successfully participate in group conversations for better interaction and retention levels.


An open-source authoring tool used to create responsive HTML5 online courses which can be either accessed through the web or uploaded on the SCORM-compliant learning management system. Adapt is one of the powerful server-based e learning authoring tools, which use plugins to provide added functionality and incorporate custom themes to make online courses visually-appealing.


The first eLearning authoring tool to support HTML5 for publishing courses on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Lectora enables flexible scripting and interactivities with free access to the in-built template library. Its new feature, Responsive Course Design, allows users to create online courses for desktop view. The robust e learning tool then automatically scales the content to fit for mobile devices, thereby enabling learning to undergo training anytime, anywhere, and on any mobile device.

Sometimes, there is a lot of overlap in the functionality and benefits of different kinds of rapid learning and SCORM authoring tools. So, it depends on the choice, training need, and scale at which you want to implement elearning for your corporate training strategy. Whether you are looking for cloud-based, PowerPoint add-ins, or installation-based e learning tools, you can choose among the above-discussed learning management tools that perfectly match your elearning and development needs.