Converting PSD to Joomla Template

Converting PSD to Joomla Template

The internet is home to millions of websites all advertising different products or services and competing for your attention with their attractive website designs. Many websites advertise free templates that can be downloaded and used for your own website and others that offer professional looking templates for a small fee. The problem with these services is that they are common throughout the internet with many websites using the same themes. There is so much competition on the internet between businesses and by creating an original website it will enable you to have an advantage over the millions of similar looking sites. One way to make your website unique is to use your own photography as a theme for your site. This article will show you how to convert PSD files to Joomla templates to enable you to make your website one of a kind.

PSD is an image file created by Adobe Photoshop that allows an image to be altered by the user in a number of different ways. A PSD file is layered and the individual layers can be added or subtracted as you like and the colours changed or altered. Once you have edited your file in Photoshop you can convert it into a Joomla template and create your very own original website. There are a number of different ways to convert the file and will depend on your knowledge of website design. If you are unable to perform the conversion yourself then it is a good idea to take advantage of the many web design companies that can handle it for you. You will need to provide them with the necessary PSD file and they will then create a custom Joomla template that you can begin using right away. There is usually a charge for these services and may take up to a couple of days.

When converting PSD to Joomla template you will need to give unique names to the individual layers of the PSD file in order to allow Joomla to convert it correctly. Once you have given unique names to the individual layers you can then log onto one of many conversion sites and upload your image. Once the conversion is over you must download and open the zip file and copy the newly created folder into the Joomla website folder of the WAMP server. You must then go to template manager in the admin panel of your site to view the newly created template in your template list box. Set this template as your default and you have finished creating your own unique website. Converting PSD to Joomla template should only be attempted by experienced web users as the online conversion sites can occasionally have small bugs in the conversion process that will leave people scratching their heads if they are not sure how to correct it. If you are unsure it is better to enlist the help of the professionals, rather than spend hours on end searching for a tiny coding error.