How to Choose a Good PHP Developer

How to Choose a Good PHP Developer

PHP is one of the most popular web programming languages that have gained enormous popularity in recent years. Provided with lots of open source applications available in PHP, these days more and more companies are spending thousands of dollars in opting for web applications based on PHP. Business owners and major companies are hiring PHP developers as today they are easily available at very affordable cost.

Hiring PHP developers are turning out to be the best option to get effective, fast and perfect website development. But the key question remains – “how to choose a good PHP developer”. The success of any web development project largely depends on hiring good PHP developer and today there seem to be lots of them. Numerous PHP developers are striving hard to show their skills, but finding the right developer is becoming a big challenge. It is not that easy to choose the right developer who can quickly yet efficiently, create a well-made dynamic website. Thus, if you are looking to hire a good PHP developer then here are the few essential checklists that you must follow to make a correct selection. You must make sure that you meticulously cross check and follow each of the following steps, like:

1. You must ensure the total experience a developer has in different web application. For example, if you want to use any existing open source application or want to develop it from scratch, make sure in both the situations, the developer has previous experience. If not, then PHP developers must have developed some good applications.

2. Validate the coding done in various websites by the PHP developer either by calling the owner of the website or even by asking the developer to show working demonstration of the project on his or her server. This step can help you in knowing the efficiency of the developer and more about the project already handled by the PHP programmer.

3. You should ensure that the developer must have a staging server. Staging server is just like a test server that provides the facility to examine the progress made or work performed by the developer on a day-to-day basis.

4. You must also ask for the references of those individuals who were involved along with the web development in various projects. Taking references may help you in easily understanding the performance and responsibilities handled by the developer based on the different projects.

Apart from this, here are few other vital points that can also help you in selecting a good PHP developer, such as:

Minimum Runtime- Unlike other scripting languages or JavaScript, PHP coding can be executed with minimum runtime. As a result, you should also look for a coder who can code scripts that offer the best results at a minimum run time.

Maximum Security – In most of the occasions, especially in the dynamic pages that are used in ecommerce, financial transactions, etc – the chances of hacking the codes are always very high. So you should also ensure that a good PHP developer you chose is well aware of the nuances of good coding. He or she must be capable to use the features in a way that a proper security-enabled script code is created.

Finally, you must always prefer to approach a reputed web development company to hire dedicated developer according to your requirement. These days, there are even many freelance web developers, but hiring the professional developer from a reputed web development company might get you the desired result within your stipulated budget and time frame. They generally employ a robust, server-side language that offers a great deal of functionality.

This list could be endless, but taking care of these important points as mentioned above could easily help you in hiring a good web developer. Though, today PHP programmers from India are on high demand, but the end results cannot always be very exciting unless you make a right decision.