Rethinking HTML for CSS

Rethinking HTML for CSS

You need to have the best coding in HTML with a strong foundation to get the most out of CSS. If you can write excellent HTML coding, writing CSS becomes easy. The main feature is that you will no longer have to convert the HTML in to web design as CSS offers the graphics and designs you wanted. The job becomes easy, as HTML needs lot of coding compared to CSS. This manner it will be easy to create and develop than wasting lot of time on the coding and typing. It does not save time alone, as the work will be to your expectations, which will be appreciated by viewers and clients.

HTML and its XHTML is the base for every page on the internet. However, when CSS is added, the usage of HTML differs. CSS makes work easier in terms of creating visual effects. While HTML will have various tags and attributes that, consume lot of time.

It is true that the people who created the web had to maintain the documentation, where visual effects were not required. To them HTML was what was everything they required to maintain the structure and information. However, when others started using the same HTML for their web pages, they wanted it to look attractive and good. That is when the first tags were used to control the look than the structural format. They were using the headline tags to alter the size and shape of the heading.

Then the designers came with innovative ideas creating columns of text to place pictures with tags. However as you know these tables were actually used for the time schedule or to create reports. They had to find another innovative method for their needs.

Then they were able to create what they wanted. They were able to create graphical designs with tags. They were able to use large graphical for the web page by slicing them into smaller files and regrouping them back into shape in the table. Therefore, with the creativity in using tags you can have control over your web pages.