5 Things That You Don’t Know About Magento

5 Things That You Don’t Know About Magento

Magento is like a bless for all who cannot afford paying a large sum of money to some certain software vendors. It is the most promising open source tool for making qualitative e-commerce applications. People with intention of building e-commerce store blindly go with this tool. It is known for its user friendliness, open source nature, customization, and fast loading speed. But, it has some hidden feature that should be acknowledged by the Magento owners. It will help you in understanding the potential of this tool. You can know more about such features from your Magento development company while taking programming services.

Admin Session Timeout

It happens with all Magento owners when they try to edit the product descriptions of their sites. For this purpose, you as a Magento user need to understand that your store follows the session timeout limit. You just need to increase session lifetime. So, you should navigate to system, configuration, admin, and then security to reach on session lifetime tab. At this tab, you can replace the value of session lifetime from 60 seconds to 1800 seconds. Now, your system will not expire after each 60 seconds.

Nested Static Blocks

With this feature, you can divide your lead blocks in multiple kinds of data blocks. If you are carrying lots of contents in your site then you might face the problems in updating your site’s contents. With this fix, you will be able to update your contents properly. For this purpose, you need to create multiple blocks in one block to arrange the contents properly. Therefore, these blocks can be called on a particular product page or category.

Manage Your Ratings

If you are doing well in multiple areas of your online retailing business such as perfect packaging, on-time delivery, and quality of products then you can ask your customers to rate your services under these heads. For this purpose, you need to enter in your Magento site dashboard and click on catalog tab then click on reviews & ratings tab, and finally click on manage rating. At this tab, you will get the way to add new rating & review measures for your e-commerce store.

Product Alert Notification

There are dozens of top charting e-commerce stores available over web. Therefore, it is tough for the customers to come back on your store at each purchase. Therefore, you should update your customers through product related notifications. In this way, you should prefer to understand your customers’ preference by noticing their visits on certain product pages of your e-commerce store.

Tier Pricing

You might have noticed that some leading e-commerce stores are introducing tier pricing. With Magento, you can also try to convince your customers to buy a set of products at a comparatively low price. Technically, you do not need to sell your products on low price. You just need to show that you are doing so. In your Magento dashboard, you only need to click on the ‘Price’ tab to add tiers. Further, you need to describe your equation like 1 pen for $10 and 10 Pens for $95. Such tier pricing will boost your e-commerce sales rapidly.

So, you can use these solutions in your e-commerce store. In case, you are not aware of Magento dashboard then you can seek the help of an experienced Magento developer in this way.