How To Get More Twitter Followers – Five Things You Need To Do To Get More Followers On Twitter

How To Get More Twitter Followers – Five Things You Need To Do To Get More Followers On Twitter

If you want get more Twitter followers, then pay attention to the advice that’s offered in this article – because it’s going to show you five things you’re going to need to do if you’re going to have a shot at being successful in your efforts to get more Twitter followers.

The first thing you need to do to get more Twitter followers is to identify people who are most likely to want to follow you – that is, people who are more likely than most to want to hear what you have to say. You can do this by running a search through Twitter’s site search facility ( to find people who are using the keywords (in their profile data and in their Tweets) people commonly use to find your business.

The second thing you need to do to get more Twitter followers is to set a target for the number of Twitter followers you want to gain – in total and then in monthly, weekly, and daily increments – so that you will not only know that your efforts are taking you in the right direction but that you will also know when you have reached your “destination.” A good way to determine the number of Twitter followers you’ll need is to start off with an income target and work backwards to calculate the number of followers you’d need to have in order to reach that target.

The third thing you need to do to get more Twitter followers is to find, create, and share (i.e., Tweet and Retweet) content that data suggests will be interesting, entertaining, educational, informative, or useful to your target Twitter audience. A simple and effective way to do this is to pay attention to the messages your followers and target followers Tweet and, in particular, Retweet.

The fourth thing you’re going to need to do to get more Twitter followers is to make sure that you’re at least as active on Twitter as other Twitter users whose Twitter efforts and success you’d like to emulate.

The fifth thing you need to do to get more Twitter followers is to automate as much of the process as you can. If you’ve spent any time on Twitter trying to find people to follow, managing the following and unfollowing processes, and maintaining a healthy level of Tweets and Retweets, you know how time consuming it can be.

Now imagine doing all of that on a grand scale.

Unless you are prepared to devote many hours every day to Twitter, it’s not going to be possible. You simply won’t have the time or the energy to do it.