See How Easily You Can Build And Monetize Your Email Marketing List

See How Easily You Can Build And Monetize Your Email Marketing List

You may be missing a lot of potential new customers if you bury your email sign-up form in the bottom footer section of your home page.

It’s a mistake to underestimate the buying power of a well-targeted subscriber list of people who have given you their permission to send them emails.

Remember, too, that email lists degrade over time as people may stop using their email addresses or un-subscribe from your list. Therefore, you need continually add new ones to keep your subscriber list fresh and responsive.

Make sure you use a professional email list management program to handle the whole subscription and delivery process while protecting you from spam complaints.

Let’s say you have already have a growing reputation for writing engaging and helpful information.

And you are amassing a following on social media, too. Why not vigorously build and monetize your email marketing list? That way, you can continue offering valuable content that your audience wants to read, as well as earn money in return.

Here are four easy to implement ways to build your email marketing list:

  1. Arrange to cross-market to the list of a non-competing company that is in, or related to, your industry.
  2. Pitch your plan of deploying emails to the subscriber list of another small business. You can offer, perhaps, a percentage of the profit in exchange. What’s great about this list-building technique is that your product gets exposed to a completely different market base. Remember to avoid discriminating based on the size of the email list. Network with other entrepreneurs in online forums, and see what other ideas they can come up with in order to get more out of the joint venture.
  3. Produce short how-to videos and share them on Vimeo and YouTube. The instructional material should, of course, be in line with your business. Take note that your purpose is to build your list and not to show marketing videos. Educate your potential viewers, and then entice them to sign up to your email list via posting your website URL on the video’s description field. The transcripts of your instructional videos can also be turned into articles, and you can post those articles on free e-zine and online article directories. And remember to include a link to the actual instructional video within your article.
  4. Write relevant and helpful articles for free e-zines. Submit short and useful articles to free article websites. Place a strong call to action on your author bio and resource box. Offer a free report, a white paper, or an eBook in exchange for the email address. That will drive traffic to your site where you can gather email addresses to build a sizable email marketing list.
  5. Run a contest on your site and offer nice giveaways. The people who want to join your contest can do so by registering with their email address on your sign-up form.

So stop hiding your email sign-up form and start a campaign of providing high quality content that will bring you an exciting online income for years to come.