Comparing Mobile Twitter Client

Comparing Mobile Twitter Client

Twitter is a small social networking site, and some people called in microblog. It is because it has a feature of social networking but also come in small and simple interface like a blog. That’s the reason why Twitter has a lot of users and fans. Its simplicity and easy to use interface becomes a great magnet that attracts more and more people to make account in it. Due to a lot of user, Twitter now can be accessed mobile by phone. it’s user can log on their account and tweet or update their status by installing a mobile Twitter client application. Let’s review and find out which one that can be considered as the best and most complete mobile Twitter client.

There are a lot of mobile applications, they are:

1. Tiny Twitter; an application that looks and has function exactly like the real version of Twitter. It works only on Java and Windows Mobile Pocket phone. The main feature is the user can set automatic updates on the it’s account.

2. Dabr; It is a full featured client. It allows user to follow new tweets and search people to follow. The best feature of Dabr is this application works in Opera Mini without scrolling horizontally.

3. Flusr; this can be said as the most complete mobile Twitter client. The reason is because Flusr is a modified version of Dabr that already ha a full feature, another feature added on Flusr makes it more complete. The best thing about this application is it has a very user friendly interface.