Web Development – Avoid These 3 Barriers to Getting Into Web Development!

Web Development – Avoid These 3 Barriers to Getting Into Web Development!

Getting into web development has many advantages, but the barriers can also seem impossible to overcome. It’s not that difficult once you know what the barriers are and how to overcome them. Even if you don’t have the proper education, the technical knowledge or just don’t know where to start you do not have to throw in the towel.

You don’t have the right educational background. Most web development companies require their employees to have a formal education. If you don’t have that it can truly seem almost impossible to get into the business.

Solution: Web development companies often look for people with a formal education, but if you can show them that you have previous experience in the business it is very possible that they will still consider hiring you.

You have no technical knowledge. OK, this most likely means you are just starting out. I’ve been there myself. And if it seems like there is a lot of technical information you have to learn you are absolutely right. The thing is you’re moving into a technical field and there is no way around it.

Solution: Start with the basics. In web development that’s HTML. My suggestion is that you go to your local bookstore and find a beginners HTML book. Once you feel ready to take it to the next level find you will know.

You don’t know where to start. There are a lot of technologies involved in web development. What makes it so exciting is that you have to get numerous technologies to work together to get the results you want. To put it bluntly, you won’t be getting into web development by being proficient in just one technology. Now if you have no idea were to start you have a problem.

Solution: Always start with the basics. As I suggested earlier that’s HTML. When you have achieved a fundamental skill level in HTML you need to move on. Technologies you absolutely have to be proficient in are CSS and Java Script. CSS is also known as cascading style sheets and are used to make the website look and feel as the web designer desires. Java Script is used to create dynamic effects on the web site, such as rollover menus.

HTML, CSS and Java Script are all client side technologies. Being proficient in these 3 technologies might have landed you a job in the business 10 years ago. These days, however, you will to be proficient in server side technologies such as PHP or dot NET.