Dreadful Web Designing Mistakes That Hurt SEO

Dreadful Web Designing Mistakes That Hurt SEO

A website is very much important for the purpose of attaining online marketing goals. And a website without having a web presence has no value, thus, it is important to design an SEO-friendly website that Google can easily crawl and level up the ranking. When it comes to web designing, so there are a number of things we need to care about, as they have the power to make or break the image of the brand. So, today, here we discuss common web designing mistakes that hurt SEO, so, you can avoid them for better outcomes.

  • Wrong Header Tag Implementation: One of the common mistakes people overlook is missing and wrong implementation of the header tag. Though, it’s a serious flaw that you cannot ignore, as it may ruin your SEO efforts.
  • Heavy Images: Another mistake that demolishes your search results or your SEO efforts, is the use of heavy images; as it may increase the page load time, affect the working and user experience, which further drop down the rank of your website. Thus, it is always good to optimize the image size before uploading it on the website.
  • Non-Responsive Website: A non-responsive website is the biggest web designing mistake, as it may take your customers away and make a very bad impact of your company in front of the clients. Thus, you should go always for the mobile-friendly or responsive website, so, it may help you attract loads of traffic to your website.
  • Thin Content: If you want to attract visitors to your website, so, you need to give them a reason to do so and content is the only way that helps you get the visitors on your website successfully. Make sure you don’t miss the content part while creating a wonderful web design, as it may affect the SEO and break your image in front of your visitors.
  • Infinite Scroll: It is very popular these days, but if you don’t know the actual way to use this feature, so, it may turn the table and affect the ranking. As it will take more time to load, which affect the user experience, so, you shouldn’t make any such mistake.

These are some of the common mistakes that hurt the SEO and affect the ranking and reputation of your brand in the highly competitive market. You can even hire an SEO expert that helps you take benefit from their experience.