Golden Ring Of Russia

Golden Ring Of Russia

Golden Ring of Rusia is ring of few historical towns located to North-East of Moscow.

Exact number of towns varied, but main towns are:

  • Vladimir
  • Bogolubovo
  • Suzdal
  • Yuriev-Polskiy
  • Murom
  • Gorohovetz
  • Gus-Crystalny
  • Mstera
  • Holui
  • Paleh
  • Ivanovo
  • Pless
  • Kostroma
  • Yaroslavl
  • Tutaev
  • Rostov Velikiy
  • Pereslavl-Zalesski
  • Uglich
  • Aleksandrov
  • Sergiev-Posad

Historically, this place was populated by different Slavic tribes at 12th century. Most of tribes arrived the place as they escaped from Kiev rus which was attacked by various turk tribes. But, over hard to penetrate forest it was hard to attack.

Historically that lands was named as “lands over forests”, that is why in some towns names still part “zalesski” (over forests) remains. Some towns got same names as “native” towns at Kievan rus.

Historically, center of this part of Russia was Vladimir. Vladimir Monomakh was chosen as king of that lands and later his childs was kings.

But at 13th century peacefull life was interrupted by Mongolian invasion. After invasion Moscow appeared as center in the region, but not Vladimir.

During invasion majority of towns was fired off and majority of population killed. As a result, remnants of population have began to build new towns, far away inside forests. One of them was Moscow.

Mongols was brought out of Russia at 14th century, when different Slavic countries united around Moscow and got a victory over Mongols. Moscow reappeared as a center in the region and older towns – as its satellites.

That is how “golden ring of Russia” appeared.

This region is historical, a lot of buildings, ancient churches survived Mongol invasion and older Kremlins exist in the region.

As well, it is center of Monasteries and many historical handicrafts of Russia produced in this region. Among them Paleh and Mstera Icons, Sofrino Icons, Sergiev Posad monastery nested dolls.