New Zealand – Great For A Sailing Charter

New Zealand – Great For A Sailing Charter

Why did Peter Jackson of the famed Lord of the Rings decided to produce his film in New Zealand? There is only one perfect reason for that. New Zealand-despite its charm, remoteness, and rawness-offers the kind of environment the movie entails. It seeks to capture the early days of the world, when trees are teeming all over, waters and brooks provide habitats to schools of fish, and the open sea becomes perfect for some sailing in New Zealand.

The Bay of Islands in New Zealand is about 3 hours’ drive from Auckland. There are around 150 islands that make up this charming region. It has the best kind of climate the country has to offer and is considered to be an ultimate playground because of the several outdoor activities that you can do. For example, a trip in the Hole in the Rock offers tourists the opportunity to watch and observe the abundant marine life of the bay. You can enjoy a thrilling ride on a forward trampoline as well as the high-tech catamaran. A cruise on a chartered boat can also take you to idyllic islands during lunchtime where you can dine and feast on kiwi barbecues.

Outside of Auckland is the the Hauraki Gulf. Here you will find one of the largest cruising areas in the world with 100 islands to explore and more than 190 sheltered anchorages and miles of beautiful coast. The geography of Auckland, with is narrow strip of land, makes the waters of the Gulf an fascinating place to sail. The steady sea breezes compete with southwesterly winds, and in mid-afternoon, there is the heat off the land to handle.

Auckland, New Zealand, meanwhile, gives you the energy that you need to handle the stresses of everyday city life. It pampers you without having to avail the services of masseurs. The scenic landscape itself will calm your nerves and the numerous sea activities will pump up your adrenalin. For one, if you happen to be sailing in New Zealand, especially in Auckland, you can visit the Goat Island Marine Reserve which are definitely ideal for famelies. You can enjoy some kayaking, boating, or even diving and take pleasure in being surrounding by many types of fish. If you are new into the experience, numerous chartered vessels have professional diving instructors who will be very happy to show you basic diving techniques.

Speak of New Zealand waters and you can instantly associate it with the wonderful beaches of Able Tasman. Here you can experience golden beaches, lush virgin mangroves and forests, as well as worth-exploring coves. You can spread and achieve sun-kissed skin as you board any luxurious sailing catamaran. The white sands are perfect for anyone who dares to be about upon this wonderful gift of nature. Visit the Anchorage Beach too and treat yourself to a very delectable fine lunch.

There are but only a handful places that can tickle your fantasies and make you wish that you can eventually stop time. New Zealand is one of them. The people are warm, happy, and with great hospitality. The mountains are glazed with snow, making them truly fantastic for skiing. The waters, meanwhile, are simply there to give you the best sailing in your New Zealand experience.