How to Meet Thai Girls While on Vacation

How to Meet Thai Girls While on Vacation

Are you an American or European traveling to Thailand on vacation? Would you like to meet and date a beautiful girl while you are here? It is very easy to do this without knowing the girl prior to coming to Thailand although it does help if you have exchanged pictures or talked to them online first. Using a Thai dating site is typically your fastest and best option to meet Thai women and get the ball rolling prior to touching down in Bangkok.

If you don’t have time to meet a Thai girl online before traveling to Thailand, all is not lost however and it’s still easy to meet beautiful Thai ladies. And I’m not talking about paying money to “professional” bar girls either. Leave that to the fat old men. If you are even remotely good-looking and dress at least a little bit nice, it’s easy to meet real Thai women that want to date you.

The first secret is what I just hinted at. You have to dress for success! Many times I see the Western hippy traveler with dreadlocks and 3 day stubble. This might work for them and perhaps they aren’t looking for a legitimate Thai girl to be with…But if you are, you might want to pack some nice pants and some dress shirts to go out in while out on the town. This goes not only for meeting women in Bangkok but also meeting women in Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Lampang and every town and city in between.

Thai ladies are attracted to people with status and authority. Note, I’m not saying they are attracted to money! This is a false accusation portrayed by sex tourists. Real Thai women don’t necessarily care much if you are rich or just a regular guy. The key is, they want a man they can respect. And by looking like a respectful man, you are already halfway there!

Next, is finding out where available women can be met. Obviously, you can meet them anywhere! But if you are strapped for time, you can often find girls that are easy to approach in bars and clubs found all over the country. It also helps if you’ve had a few Leo beers to muster up that courage. But keep in mind, there are both legitimate and “working” girls here. The key is being able to figure out who is who. I’ll tell you how you can easily spot real Thai women in an upcoming post.

The bottom line: When you come to Thailand, be prepared to meet many beautiful Thai ladies that honestly want to be your girlfriend. Enjoy the trip!