Acai and the ORAC Scale

Acai and the ORAC Scale

Did you know it is recommended to intake a minimum of 3,000 ORAC units a day in order to benefit from the healing powder of antioxidants? Do you even know what an ORAC unit is? It may sound like something from a science fiction movie, but ORAC is actually a rating that determines certain values in the foods we eat, that we may enjoy a healthier lifestyle.

ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, and rates foods according to their antioxidant content. When the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore developed this scale, it was revealed that a number of foods are especially high in antioxidants. Tropical fruits, like acai and wolfberry, for example, are especially high in antioxidant value. To enjoy fruits and vegetables ranked high on this scale can improve your body’s ability to fight free radicals that cause the weakness and damage associated with aging.

More recently the USDA published an updated ORAC list of 100 foods, a sample of which you will find below. Many of these are everyday foods, enjoyed in a variety of ways. Some of the more exotic fruits and vegetables may be found in organic or gourmet grocery stores. These foods are listed by their respective ORAC numbers, one ORAC Unit per three ounces.

  • Açai – 18,500
  • Prunes – 5,770
  • Pomegranates – 3,307
  • Raisins/Dark Grapes – 2,830
  • Blueberries – 2,400
  • Blackberries – 2,036
  • Cranberries – 1,750
  • Strawberries – 1,540
  • Noni – 1,506
  • Raspberries – 1,220
  • Plums – 949
  • Oranges – 750
  • Red Grapes – 739
  • Cherries – 670
  • Kiwi Fruit – 610
  • Grapefruit, pink – 483
  • Grapes, White – 460
  • Banana – 210
  • Apple – 207
  • Apricot – 175
  • Peach – 170
  • Pear – 110
  • Watermelon – 100
  • Honeydew Melon – 97

For improved immunity and vitality, consider adding a few fruits rich in antioxidants to your diet. The flavor is only part of the benefit, and your body will thank you later, for a long time.